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The system for working with a hotbed for role-playing games

Today is Friday, so it's time to indulge in our funny, strange passions. I hope that there will be an audience here, which, with the phrase "role-playing," imagines something different from the girl with a whip in latex ... If you thought about it, then you will most likely not be interested in reading.

In fact, we are talking about this.

A shot from the movie The Gamers delightful series.

Read on? Fine! Surely you have been playing DnD, WoD, warhammer or some other good game for years. I have been playing for several years in different settings of the World of Darkness - however, the post will be about universal chars, and not some specific system.

Formulation of the problem

If you play for a long time, you know that the papers tend to be lost, destroyed, sometimes it is very difficult to pick up the latest events (new stats, experience, etc.), and it’s a shame to lose all this. Me too. The thought of an electronic jelly comes to mind immediately. Of course, some of them are on the Internet, but I was not satisfied with any of the proposed. Why? Let's estimate the requirements.

Unfortunately, the full set of these requirements (even without considering the “desirable” ones) does not satisfy anything. Therefore, two years ago, I decided that I would quickly make my system to work with the chambers. Hmmm, quickly ... How wrong I was.


In general, how long, how short - I made such a system. At the time of two years ago, she was in PHP + MySQL, and used JQuery + Bootstrap to display all sly goodness. Immediately I ask you not to throw rotten tomatoes - I am a backender, and not a fronder, so I did on the fact that I got my arm. But what was done was a big plus - it works and implements all my Wishlist:

As an example - this is what the mortal mortar looks like , and this is how the vampire glass has been styled as vampire the requiem.

It turned out incredibly convenient, but creating a beautiful charnik of time takes nemeryanno. Therefore, I threw the bait in a couple of communities for joint completion ... But there were no enthusiasts. So I stopped at these two chests.

So why am I writing this post two years later? I still hope for the help of the gaming community, and a good occasion has come up. The other day, I decided to fix a minor bug in a charnik for mortals ... And I came to my senses only when I made a charnik with the help of Node.JS, gulp, babel and browserify. Alas, it is not in my power to completely clear JQuery, since I do not own all sorts of good things like Angular, React, Vue and so on - and it will take a long time to look for and finish new components for the new stack. However, a start has been made - you can write on ES6, jQuery Deferreds were replaced by bluebird Promises, HTTP requests instead of JQuery are implemented using request-promise, some dependencies are now pulled from npm, and so on. I almost did not work on refactoring the code — the task was simply to start a version two years ago — so there is a certain amount of horror there. But I repeat - this code has a big plus - it works!


Theoretically, there are quite a few plans:

Practically, time is insanely short, and in splendid isolation I will only finish things that are useful to me with the same frequency once every two years.

I would like to write that you can do all sorts of good things for donations - but alas, it takes too long, and it is very expensive. So I hope only for the enthusiasm of developers. If you are interested, I will be very happy to participate. Themies themselves are in open source on github, MIT license. If you want to use them for something else - I am only for - but tell me, it’s curious!


  1. System
  2. The same in the form of an Android application ;
  3. The author of the design that I used;
  4. Mortar's Charnik - fresh rework;
  5. A beautiful vampire Charnik , without Node.JS.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402031/

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