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SmartPoket keys organizer, or how we reinvent the wheel

Good day everyone! Today I would like to tell you a story about how we “localized” a Geek-key keeper, or Key-organizer.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the design, we went quite a long way from idea to launch, and under the cut rather a big confession about why Keysmart in Russian came out like this, why it cannot be compared with what is sold by Aliexpress, as well as , why we undertook "import substitution".
Inside a lot of photos, videos and a couple of Gif.

I would like to start with the sources. A few years ago, a KeySmart campaign was launched on Kickstarter, around which an army of fans instantly formed, bringing in about $ 330,000.

The idea seemed attractive to us, and we brought the first copies to both stores ( homegadgets and medgadgets ). With minimal promo at that time, we received an amazing number of applications, despite the fact that Kickstarter seemed to be three or four years ago, it was not so popular in Russia, and very few people knew us ...

Despite the success, we slowed down the cooperation. The fact is that it was not possible to bring at an adequate price equal to the official website. And the user wanted to buy it in equal conditions, and since then, formally, the work was conducted in two directions: attempts to reach an agreement and attempts to “borrow”.

Keysmart, judging by the YouTube videos , has not lost popularity ... Surprisingly, the number of views of the most popular reaches from 600,000 views to one and a half million!

Why the idea of ​​"localization" has ceased to seem insane

- Lev, I'm close to the edge. Everything worth already created by someone.
- Everybody steals. Simply you are more honest than others. You sincerely compose someone else's.
(Lily of the valley Silver)

There was a film where brilliant Garkalin invented new songs that someone had already written before. Recall one of the episodes:

We probably did less honestly. However, the fact that taking someone else’s was bad was known to us from school, and this thought held us back for several years. However, by the time of launch, it turned out that, in general, in Russia before us, many had already gone this way.

The electronic corrector "Master of Posture", for example, is very similar to IPosture, which MagisterLudi noticed. Despite the fact that the creator of the Russian device claims that coincidences are random, you never know ...

The second vivid example, which promotes ni404 , familiar to you in our market, is Bevan. So, having such examples before our eyes, admittedly, successful, we decided to make SmartPoket .

And finally, an international case. Yes, KeySmart has a number of design patents, but these key holders do not just copy and replicate the ever-present Aliexpress. The domestic market is full of fakes that have found their place on Amazon ! The cost, both above and below the original ...

Here are some

The main reason why we started the project is to try to make the organizer cheaper! Now the original costs about $ 20 + shipping, and at the current rate it is about 1200 - 1500 rubles. We wanted it to be a little more affordable: at the first stage, to make the price up to 1000 rubles, then to consistently fit it in the range of 600 - 800. While we are still at the first stage.

How SmartPoket is created

In the Samsung company, there are only 2 designers: one holds an iPhone, the other leads around.

Not really. In the view of other people familiar with the situation, the story of “Smarpoket” probably reminds the comic movie Xiaomi that they do not copy Apple.

We did not circle: we drew again. Here is the initial drawing of the two basic elements of the SmartPoket: the plates themselves.

And the item for the key fob:

As a result, in the first case, we got this:

And in the second:

From the moment of artistic embodiment to the moment of the first trial and error, about a month passed. He went on the search for a material suitable paint. In short, we tried a lot:

We chose the material rather quickly, but until recently it seemed that the original KeySmart is bending worse. At Kickstarter, developers claim they are working with aluminum " 6061 ". It is used in mechanical engineering, the aviation industry and is characterized as lightweight, durable and resistant to corrosion.

We chose duralumin for SmartPoket with similar characteristics. And now our version is hardly inferior in strength and lightness.

Some quotes about alloys
Aluminum alloy 6061

Aluminum alloy 6061 is usually used in the T6 state. It is weldable and can, in principle, be heat treated after welding. However, this is not recommended, because it significantly reduces the ductility of the weld. One of the outstanding examples of the use of this alloy are welded housings for pumps and engines, which are used when pumping liquefied natural gas at gas distribution terminals. Alloy 6061 makes all possible types of aluminum "rolled": rods, pipes, profiles, sheets, plates. Alloy 6061 in the T6 state has a higher strength and lower ductility than in the T4 state. For example, for a sheet of alloy 6061 at –196 ° C with a longitudinal sample, the tensile strength for the T6 state is 450 MPa and an elongation of 10%, and for the T4 state, respectively, 375 MPa and 19%. The strength of welds that have been thermally treated to the state of T6, have a lower strength than the base metal.

A source

Aluminum alloy 2024 (D16 according to GOST 4784-97)

This aluminum alloy in the T3, T4 and T8 states has a high strength of 480-490 MPa both at room temperature and at negative temperatures. The strength of the weld of this alloy is lower than that of alloy 2024. This alloy is used in aircraft construction and aerospace engineering and is connected by mechanical methods, for example, by rivets.

A source

There is also a discussion and comparison of the two alloys in western forums, where, according to some parameters of strength and wear resistance, alloy 2024 is called “ideal”.

With painting and processing, too, had its own nuances. It is too smooth, it is too "rough", it is too glossy, it is too dull ...

One of the best, in my opinion, was a white sample:

However, having lived with him for some time, empirically it turned out that the non-rounded edges in my hand feel like a razor, and the specimen has sunk into oblivion.

More examples

Everything is clear without words

This one did not pass the scratch resistance test and seems to be coated with nail polish.

As a result, even before painting, about two dozen variants were rejected and as many more after

After it seemed to us that it was “time” we began to look for someone who would cut it out. Now SmartPoket is being prepared in the Tver region. Here is his "dad".

And here is a little birth process:

What does SmartPoket consist of

" Smartpocket " - these are two plates, latches, several gaskets that are added between the keys or - instead of a small "tail", on which you can attach a key ring or something at your discretion.

The only radical difference from the “forefather” is that the plates are not firmly fixed without the keys in the assembled state:

The rest - the nuances.

Let's say we use elastic bands, and in KeySmart there was a fastener with a special thread. Screw caps (narrower / wider), etc.

Our design is slightly longer:

And this is also important. Yes, a large key does not fit in the basic version, but the creators of KeySmart generally somehow radically approach the issue of spaciousness: they offer to buy special keys for your organizer!

Disassembled KeySmart

Disassembled SmartPoket

Basic versions can include up to 6 small keys: three on each side.

Organizers with Aliexpress

The question would certainly have arisen. More precisely, it arises constantly. On the one hand, this is true; on the other, it is insulting. The main rebuke is that we take, interrupt the logo - and go. This is not entirely true.

The harsh reality is that the Chinese are still faking at the time of launch. That is, KeySmart went on Aliexpress even when the Kickstarter campaign was just launched, and now many Chinese organizers have to compete fiercely inside Ali.

The cost of them, however, from 100 rubles, but they are not so much, and they are bad. On average, the price tag on such there is from 300 to 500, which also, of course, lower. Most of them we tested and, of course, were unhappy.

Most often we are told that we sell this:

This is not true. In fact, this organizer is corny smaller in size:

It is easily scratched with a nail, made of a material familiar to aluminum spoons from kindergarten. To the touch - disgusting, but 100 rubles, as they say, there is 100 rubles. In terms of assembly, he is very “picky”, and it is desirable to adjust the necessary number of keys under him.

Above, I wrote that up to 6 keys fit into our organizer, but a smaller number intends to display it - 4. There are no problems with fixation:

As for strength, then you can compare three options at once:

Yes, and ours, and the original under the effort to bend. Bend, I must say the same way. But the strength of the Chinese is no good at all.

This is a common problem of the majority of "Alish" organizers. Here, for example, one of the most cheap. Very thin and flexible and most useless:

It feels like plastic in general:

At the same time, it is not at all clear how to use the second working side: an overly large locking element on which the key does not fit trivially:

Other organizers with Aliexpress also have their own subtleties: somewhere the keys fit unevenly, and the construction suffers from this, and the elements become fixed. I ran into this here:

Rubber pads between the keys, such small "skins" are deformed when fastened, and therefore the keys do not fit exactly, bursting the organizer directly.

In most cases, you will encounter these problems, since many such key holders are made by the same Chinese. What is the first, orange, what is this, bilateral, what is this:

It is rather elastic and light, and even a little stronger, does not break so quickly:

However, the problem with adjusting the number of keys will persist. And if, for example, such two-sided seemingly can be adjusted by adding more rubber bands between the keys, which will kill the appearance and the overall aesthetics, then, for example, with this - this will not work:

One of the richest organizers in this sense is also not perfect:

However, he has more positive sides. For example, lanterns are designed on both sides to make it easier to find the keyhole.

Also in addition there is a key (Farewell, multitools Leatherman):

It is worth it, though not expensive (about 300 rubles), but not 100 rubles.

The conclusion from all this is simple. In fact, in the case of Aliexpress, you are likely to lose, but if you don’t like something, it’s easier to survive a hundred rubles. It is a fact.

Nevertheless, we looked at a dozen of such organizers from the Chinese, and what we do: stronger, more durable and better in a number of ways. At least the fact that the keys can be laid smoother, and not bother with the amount. Is it ten times? Yes. I believe that ten times, but I lived with this project and loved it.

I, of course, would like SmartPoket to be compared with the original, but for this, we were probably late and started thinking about production too late. In the case of the original, we win and plan to win more in price despite being equal in quality.

To make sure that the SmartPoket is not a “broken logo” on Aliexpress you can (if you need one) buy it on this page . We have a dozen three or four basic, cheapest organizers with Aliexpress, which we reproach, and we will put them in the package for free :

Despite the difficult experience, we would not want to stop. Currently, promotional materials have been procured for the current version of Smartpocket (we also localized them, so to speak), including two promo videos:

And a short instruction:

As well as glossy photos

Also now available in 4 colors:

The product is in demand, but the "does not fly". However, with a reasonable advancement in a regular month, it is sold at an average volume of 3 units per day, and in December, for example, over 300 were sold!

Nevertheless, such “import substitution in Russian” is still difficult. Because of the volume, we cannot yet give the price that we would like to give to the housekeeper, despite the fact that more than once it was noticed at the promotional weeks, etc., that the cheaper - the more.

The second stage is big keys. This is the second question that arises after the answer to the question about Aliexpress is completed. Already, several samples have been procured where big keys fit!

On sale they are piece, will cost as much. Since large keys are not only longer, but also thicker, then, in fact, one non-standard key will occupy the whole side.

And you need to add more records on the other side.

And, of course, another stage - the box. We have already considered some packaging options, but so far the SmartPoket is still being sold on a par with other organizers - in this form:

Inside the package is an additional carabiner and key ring. All items are assembled.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402029/

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