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How to find a partner for the practice of English speech for free

So, this article will discuss how to find yourself a native speaker for the practice of speaking for free.


I'll tell you a little background: a year ago, I faced the question of how to find someone to practice speaking. I analyzed a lot of options, such as, the exchange of language with those who are eager to learn Russian (I’ll say, there are very few such people), hiring a tutor (the minus is that he is usually not a native speaker), a hike to courses (minus group training), various services offering lessons with nativs (quite expensive in terms of pounds / dollars into rubles) ... But! All these options have one MOST big drawback - they are paid, and the goal was to tighten the spoken language absolutely free.

Genes took their toll and the process of analyzing resources went at full speed. The first site I went to was a site containing a list of popular English and American social networks . Trite, but it worked, I pulled out 10 normal people from there for a completely adequate conversation. In parallel, I signed up on the Interpals language exchange site , but in fact it’s the same social network, only called more officially. From there, I also managed to pull out a solid number of people to “chat” on neutral topics. Separately mention such a site as Scout - also with a large number of users. Personally, I use the application, not the site itself. The chip of this application is that there is such a function, which is called travel. You enter the city you want to go to and it sets your current location as if you were there. People who live in the city, which you entered in the form of "travel", will see you and can write to you. I personally always put London, as a result most people write to me with it. Also, you see those people who live there, respectively, you can also write to them or just wink.
If you are a girl, and post nice pictures, put in the status on the site that you are not in a relationship, but in the search, I assure you, you will not have trouble finding an Englishman or an American to talk to. Not quite nice, I agree, but think for yourself who wants to communicate with you when you and your martyr or you and your child are on your avatar ... Few people ... And sincere friendship from the first “Hello!” Is hard to believe, alas. The disadvantage of this communication is that in 2-3 weeks these people begin to understand that you will not go to them in the USA or England and will not send interesting pictures, respectively, the interest in your person will go out ... Also there is a chance to run into a worried idiot / a good man who will strive to show his wood or say what he is horny. These are everywhere and they manifest themselves immediately, so if you have different goals with them, send them and not lose your time ... This method is time consuming, because you need to sort out for a long time from all these horny and other perverts / good people before you find something worthwhile. But, but you get a few hours of speaking with the native speaker for free.

What works for girls doesn't quite work for guys. Little guy put cute pictures, and mark the status - "in search." It is also necessary to stand out with something. My friend and I set up an experiment, marked out cool pictures on all these sites, where he is in Porsche, on a yacht ... Not his pictures, of course, we waited. I must say, the experiment was a success, because quite a few people wrote to him. There were also many people who wanted to chat on Skype. But again, after 2-3 weeks of communication, the girls begin to understand that something strange is happening, because the guy speaks only via audio communication, and the video does not even offer (and! Doesn't even care about anything!), Which is very unusual , and to reveal the true state of things, of course, he is not going to for clear reasons. Accordingly, the same thing happens as in the above method, people lose interest and no longer communicate. The probability of a guy running into a horney girl is several times less than that of a girl on a horny boyfriend, but for some kind of breeder, who also wants to be with him in a Porsche or on a yacht, and it is better there and there in turn, very much great. But, again, they show themselves pretty soon, so you can't go wrong ... The method is also time consuming, but the result is a few hours of free spoken English.

My friend and I tried several more ways to talk about this. Here is a list of them:

1. Call in support of different American / British universities and ask them about the different training programs that they offer.

This method allows you to deal more with the fear of speaking with the official native speakers, rather than just chatting and getting a set of words for the ankh.

[ List of American Universities ]

2. Call in different hotels / restaurants, ask them about the options they offer.

I conducted the wildest conversation with the Washington Hilton, figuring out how many pillow options they could offer on arrival and for whom each of the options was intended.

[ List of hotels ]

3. Call on Skype for different lines for those who need support.

This method is more likely to listen to you and understand correctly what you are saying.
The reason for my call was that I was very sad and lonely and I needed someone to talk to, preferably with good diction, not very fast speech and so on ...

[ Website for singles ]

4. Called in support of various chocolate companies in the United States.

For example, I liked to communicate with hershey's representatives. I asked when they would finally launch a line of chocolate with pepper, lemon and garlic ... At the other end of the internet connection, I was asked how I imagined such a taste and why such a combination.

[ American chocolate giant site ]

5. A friend called the American zoo and asked the representative of the zoo about those animals that they have and which of them can be petted.

[ San Diego Zoo ]

If you delve into the websites of such companies, you will surely find their free Skype numbers, which you can safely call and chat with their representatives.

The advantages of these methods are that you leave your comfort zone. You need to think about what you will ask the representatives of those companies where you call, be able to get out by answering their questions, not to be embarrassed and not get up into a stupor from their questions. For me personally, this way of learning is much more useful than simple lessons with teachers. Such lessons are trivial, they do not have much stress for the brain, you can forget these lessons rather quickly, but you can remember the stressful talk about pillows or the menu in the hotel for a long time. Do not forget that representatives of American companies are usually very polite, so they will listen to you for as long as possible. There are certainly disadvantages to this method, one of them - you will not be corrected if you say something wrong. Another disadvantage is that you need to spend time searching for companies and their free Skype numbers. But, if to summarize, this method is quite good. The time spent and efforts are fully paid off with free talk, which, with your ability to talk with your tongue, can last 10-20 minutes.

It is worth noting that you can test your vocabulary and your grammar in real conditions. It is with such stressful conversations that all your jambs will come out in grammar, listening and speaking, and also in recognizing a fluent American / British speech.

I set out my ways of pulling up conversational speech for free, if you have more options, write in the comments, I will consider with pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402009/

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