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Bagatur Balagur: "Mongolia will be a great Internet power."

Hello! Today we are launching the broadcast of the new Internet of the peoples of the world. By the will of fate, our special correspondent Pedro Paolo Souza Barbosa and Silva turned out to be in the great country of Mongolia, where by luck he managed to interview the most advanced Internet user in this country.

Bagatur Balagur is the most advanced Internet user of Mongolia.
P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Hello Bagatur Balagur!
Bagatur Balagur: Sayn bayna uu! Pedro Pedro Paolo Souza Barbosa da Silva special correspondent Habrahabra.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur, you have such a great country Mongolia! Perhaps, in this regard, you have a lot of Internet service providers?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country, with large steppes, valleys and mountains, we have many Internet service providers, yes.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur, how many Internet providers do you have?

Bagatur Balagur: Mongolia is a great country and we have 18 Internet service providers.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell, Bagatur Balagur! If you have such a great country and you have so many Internet service providers, you probably have many Internet users?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country and we have a lot of Internet users. We have 23 thousand Internet users, they all live in different cities and steppes of our vast country, among the vast plains, mountains and valleys.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur! And if you have such a great country, in which there are 18 Internet providers that provide access to the Internet for 23 thousand users, then you probably have a lot of different interesting sites where all these users go, don’t they?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country, and we have many different interesting sites. We have about 970 sites. All of them are very different and interesting, 23 thousand Internet users of our great country go to them.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur! If you have such a great country, in which there are 18 Internet service providers providing Internet access services for 23 thousand users who visit approximately 970 sites and they are all different and interesting, you probably have search engines that drive traffic to these sites?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country and we have search engines that drive traffic to our sites, the most popular search engine in our great country is Google.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur! If you have such a great country in which there are 18 Internet providers and search engines for 23 thousand users visiting about 970 sites and they are all different and interesting, probably you have e-commerce?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country, we have e-commerce and online stores, which are visited by 23 thousand Internet users of our great country. Recently, my own uncle Dangaasїrangiin traded for a stallion in our largest Mongolian online store Internom.mn the book “Computer science of the master”. Very soon, the first CyberTogrik payment system will be launched in Mongolia, its main competitive advantage is the possibility of converting CyberTugriks into CyberTenge.

.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Tell Bagatur Balagur! Since you have such a great country and your Internet is developing so fast, is it possible that Mongolia will soon become a great Internet power? If so, do you expect Yandex to come to Mongolia?

Bagatur Balagur: Yes, Mongolia is a great country, people live in this country - descendants of Chingis and Kubilai Khans, so we will also become a great Internet power and, of course, when we become a great Internet power, we expect Yandex companies to come, "Yahu" and "Yangi", as well as possibly a number of Japanese portals.

P.P.S.B. Yes Silva: Thank you very much Bagatur Balagur! And finally, our traditional question: Could Habrahabr readers give 5 of their favorite Mongolian links.

Bagatur Balagur: Of course - bold yahav.

5 FAVORITE LINKS Bagatur Balagur - the most advanced Internet user of Mongolia, especially for Habrahabr:

1. www.google.com - the most popular Mongolian search engine
2. www.internom.mn - the most popular online store of Mongolia
3. www.mol.mn - the most popular catalog of Mongolia

* 3 links, such a joke

Habrahabr special correspondent
Pedro Paolo Souza Barbosa da Silva
from the boundless Internet spaces of Mongolia

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402/

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