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Smotri.Com opens API

The Smotri.Com API , which has been working for more than a year, has now become available to everyone.

The Smotri.Com API is a set of commands available through common JSON-RPC and XML-RPC protocols .

Using the Smotri.Com API, you can
* upload videos to the site;
* receive information about the video;
* receive lists of similar videos;
* make authorization on the site on behalf of the user Smotri.Com ;
* receive various video selections (new, most popular, most commented, etc.).

Based on the Smotri.Com API it is possible to create
* your video hosting;
* Desktop applications for managing video users (including video downloads);
* "Windows" to show content Smotri.Com ;
* Banner blocks of popular videos.

Functional API Smotri.Com successfully use JavaScript integration with photofile.ru, loveplanet.ru, pochta.ru and many others, as well as the recently launched client for the iPhone .

In the examples, you can find a C ++ (Qt 4.4.x) open source application that demonstrates working with basic API commands.

In the near future, it is planned to add functionality for working with broadcasts and expanding the existing one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40199/

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