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Nintendo Switch can change everything


Less than a day left before the start of sales of the new console from Nintendo - Switch. Time will tell, but let's try to imagine how and why Nintendo can change the way we play games.

For a long time, Nintendo was torn between portable consoles and home consoles. From generation to generation, sales of home consoles fell. Only Wii was able to break out of this trend, but Wii U did not pick up the baton.

Nintendo 3DS has been a successful console, but the market for such consoles is declining, it is increasingly being captured by smartphones.

The Wii was rather an anomaly that managed to capture a large piece of the non-gaming audience, which has since gone, rather than continued to buy consoles.

So in essence, the Nintendo Switch is what everyone was waiting for. But at the same time, that which no one expected. Surprise! This is both a home console and a pocket console (not compatible with every pocket).

After Nintendo showed the Switch to the world, it became clear that this is exactly what Nintendo had to do - one system on which you can play all Nintendo games anywhere. Now there is no need to buy two systems or decide which one to buy, but at the same time play “heavy” games away from home (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an example of this). Moreover, combining the two types of consoles into one is beneficial not only for players, but also for Nintendo itself - you can focus (including financially) on one device.


Quite a lot of people have said that all Nintendo needs to do is release a powerful home console and go after Xbox and PlaySatation, instead of once again splashing on all sorts of innovations. But this statement has two sides to the coin. On the one hand, release GameCube 2 and hope that the players will return or, on the other hand, release Switch, take the best from two worlds, release not two versions of one game, but two different games and capture the hearts of a larger number of users, and with them market.

Nintendo went the second way, and I think now is the time for this. Technology has reached a sufficient level of development, and the players are saturated with what the market offers. Even the race of power doesn’t bother anyone. The gameplay returned to the first place, shifting the quality of the picture to another plan. Many people focus their attention on Joy-Cons, but they are not as important as the symbiosis of portable and home consoles, they just allow you to play. Released Nintendo with a home console, they were nothing more than a new version of Wii's controllers.

So Switch is the solution Nintendo can bring back to the top.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401963/

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