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The first eroded financial crisis pieces of the real economy will be startups

It seems the time has come to sum up the start-up boom that has happened before our eyes. The period of "easy money" in the global economy is ending, and thus the massive interest of investors in the most unusual startups.
Of course, no need to think that startup will die altogether. You just need to understand that the golden time is running out and it is time for all founders of startups to critically rethink the prospects of their projects in the new conditions in which financial markets have fallen.

It is not difficult to guess that in such a context the banal statement “Survive the strongest” acquires a special meaning. It is determined by the simplified initial casting procedure, which cuts off all projects with a payback period of ...
Here I do not presume to say for sure, but according to my feelings, the figure should not exceed 6 months, since the time before the crisis entered the real sector of the economy is clearly less.

Are there many startups in runet with such a payback period in the business plan? Of those that are not able to survive without serious long-term external injections, there will be at least 3?
Of course, self-financing startups are much less dependent on external negatives. At least until he got to the consumer. Let's hope that the Runet user is better than the North American one is protected from crisis and effective demand in runet will remain.

Total It is time to rethink reality and possibilities. Emergency project closure may be the most reasonable in terms of cost minimization. This is not about you?
Perhaps, but the Israeli startup Octavia, founded in 2004, promoted solutions for the financial sector and received funding of $ 15 million from venture funds Carmel Ventures, Vertex and Gemini, has already announced its closure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40194/

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