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Web Of Trust (WOT) - Secure Internet

Wot community

WOT is a community dedicated to supporting secure Internet use. The name is short for “Web of Trust”. The goal is to make the Internet safer by allowing users to share experiences related to websites and the services they offer.
Members of the WOT community share website knowledge. Can you trust them? Is it safe to use them? Do they do what they promise? If the site has a bad reputation, WOT will warn you, saving you many problems.

How wot works

WOT ratings are based on general knowledge.
Each member of the community can contribute. WOT is a democratic system where the opinion of each participant is taken into account. You can share your knowledge by assigning ratings to the sites you use. This will help other users to “wander” around the network more safely. The system processes ratings and calculates reputation for each web site. Attempts to manipulate reputation data are effectively suppressed through the use of complex algorithms.

Trusted sources of information
The main source of our knowledge is the ratings obtained from users, however, hundreds of carefully selected trusted sources, such as phishing site lists, are also used. Because of this, WOT has fast, automated and reliable means of protecting users from new, rapidly spreading Internet threats.
Learn more and join the community here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40192/

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