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New audio projects: Hexagon player, stereo-transformer and adaptive music

Audiostartups today is becoming more and more, and these are not just words. For example, since February 2011, 450 companies have been registered on the AngelList investment attraction platform , 107 of which appeared there in 2016.

And in the international competition of music projects Midemlab in 2016 , more than 150 companies took part. Today we want to introduce you to startups, whom the word “audio” in the common name separates rather than unites - they are so different.

Photo by Jeshoots / CC0

Tempow will help build a stereo system of " scrap materials"

The French startup Tempow has developed a technology that can connect Bluetooth speakers and headphones to the phone, TV, and laptop. The fact is that through the usual settings you will connect only one device, and the application will allow you to simultaneously connect up to 5 devices of all brands and models.

You can create a mini-stereo system from any speakers, and you can listen to music in headphones with friends. And the film, if you travel, for example, together, it will be more convenient to watch, since everyone will have their own headphones, and you will not have to painfully try to hear everything with one ear.

The sound on each device is configured separately through the same application. All this is possible thanks to the expansion of the Bluetooth protocol with the help of a patented technology. Now Tempow App is in beta testing, but the company has no plans to release an application to the market yet. Currently, negotiations are underway with large companies about the possibility of introducing the technology directly into mobile devices. At the end of February at the Mobile World Congress, most likely, it will be announced who has become a partner of a startup.

Streemr.fm creates "radio controlled"

Recently, we already talked about the fact that the number of platforms for podcasting and radio stations is growing very fast. Finding interesting content in this case is becoming increasingly difficult, and besides, listening to online broadcasts is not always possible. This problem is solved by the startup Streemr.fm, which helps users to search for interesting programs and record them in order to listen later at any convenient time and from any device. The recording can also be downloaded and listened offline.

But this is not all that the platform can do. Each record is pre-processed, and the user receives a list of songs that were broadcast. You can listen to the song you like or the moment and switch uninteresting places. A convenient planning system allows you to pre-make a calendar recording of a specific program. Among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of a mobile application (so far - the company is already engaged in its development) and a limited choice of countries whose radio stations are available on the site (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Holland and Belgium).

Qleek rethinks player idea

If Streemr.fm is the digital version of the recorder, then Qleek partially transfers music from the computer world to the real one. Nowadays, when any composition can be found in a couple of minutes on the Internet, the spirit of collecting has almost disappeared, and collections of discs or discs have become the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, the company Qleek wanted to modernize the music collection by creating a special player, which at the same time speeds up access to digital playlists.

Small hexagonal plates contain an NFC chip that remembers the “path” to a composition located in the cloud or on social networks. Information can be overwritten, as on the good old magnetic cassettes. The sound is broadcast to external speakers via Bluetooth, and through this player you can not only listen to music, but also watch movies and TV shows. The design for the plates is created by the users themselves when ordering, in order to later compose pictures on the walls from hexagons.

Flat develops Google Docs for musicians.

Startup Flat is primarily designed for composers and musicians. On the platform, you can create and view other people's notes and generate tablature. But the main feature of the service is collective creativity. In real-time, different users can simultaneously connect to the creation of a musical work, and according to the statements of the service, at least 1000 people.

The created work can be heard directly on the site. The service also supports the ability to work on the composition in offline mode. And, importantly, Flat is used for training and even collaborates with Google for Education. For the rest of the features that have appeared on the platform over the past year, read here .

Tootoot will bring your favorite artist to your city

But the application Tootoot is intended for professional artists, their managers and fans. Its main function is to plan tours and engage the audience. Fans mark the countries in which they would like to see their idol, which greatly facilitates the planning of tours and the choice of the right sites. At the same time, users receive additional bonuses in the form of gifts, discounts, and even meetings with their idol, and artists - increasing profits from the sale of tickets and reducing marketing costs.

At the same time, more than half of the users who make a request on the site, as a result, actually buy tickets for the concert. Based on these requests, the service also recommends other live performances that may be of interest to the subscriber, which contributes to the involvement of the audience. Another advantage of the company over more “older” competitors, for example, the startup Stagelink, about which we have already written , is lower prices: the startup retains only 5% of ticket sales through the application.

Geobeat creates a soundtrack for life

The Russian start-up Geobeat has been around for several years, but the project only appeared in September of last year. The service aims to create adaptive electronic music, which varies depending on where you are and what you do. The music consists of individual loops that can overlap each other, and the listener influences which loop will be played further. The technology itself is borrowed from online games.

The project is called both a musical game and a kind of audio art, but it will definitely change the perception of music. Binding to certain places can encourage users to explore cities and even simply diversify the way to or from work, because the sound affects not only the location, but also the weather and time of day. The founder of the project, Artem Zhiganov, believes that adaptive music will also arouse interest in various sports. In addition, the service has a great potential for development, which is associated with the proliferation of various "smart" devices and clothing.

PS Other materials on the subject that we have prepared:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401877/

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