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Paper prototype - not only convenient when planning a site, but for the conclusion of transactions

Surely each of us came across hundreds of notes about the paper prototyping of the interface, each of which once and again told the truisms that it is a very convenient means of testing the site, its convenience and functionality even before the development stage.

But recently I noticed that he still has two useful functions , I don’t know if someone had thought about them before (probably wondered), but still I decided to share this thought, since it might seem useful to someone.

1. Marketing

It means the following: often communicating with a client, he still cannot decide on the need for a site for his business. It seems to him that with all the positive features there are a lot of questions that he personally (a person far from the world of information technology) is not at all understandable.
Moreover, as a rule, the client himself simply does not know how it will look and work.
In order not to explain on the fingers, you can use a paper prototype.
As a rule, before negotiating with a client, I do three things:
1. I estimate approximately what goals the client may have (namely his personal specific goals for using the site for his company)
2. I compose a mindmap with an approximate structure, functionality and objectives of the site
3. I draw a paper prototype so that the client can “touch” how his website will work if he agrees

Here we immediately kill several birds with one stone: first, the client is much easier to understand what he wants and he can express it, using the example of the same prototype, and, secondly, the client understands that you didn’t send him to "push" help develop its business using IT (and sometimes even very primitive ones)

2. Protective

Personally, I would call the second function of paper prototypes protecting. Let's say you received an order, and your hands are itching to get down to business. However, many times I personally came across a situation where, despite T3 and other documents, the client arrogantly begins to demand certain changes in design (which often naturally entail changes in the program part).
Those. a swing begins, like “move this block here”, “I don’t like it”, “we thought that we don’t need news ...”, etc.

For example, you have already drawn the design and given the task to the programmer, and it turns out that the time and money expenses were unnecessary, which is especially important if the client intends to “throw” you in spite of the contract and other things.

In this case, a paper prototype is an excellent way out of the situation. It is much clearer than T3 and helps the client real awareness of the necessity of a particular section, of a particular function.
Those. You will not draw extra blocks in the design, program functions that are not used in the future, etc.

In addition, if the client decides to throw you in the first stages, then you will not spend anything except 10 sheets of paper and time.
Quite recently, this is exactly what happened to me, so I didn’t have to be particularly upset.

What do you think about this?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40185/

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