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What is a notification, or “Legalize it!”

All gadgets entering Russia must have a special permit from the FSB. Every day, customers ask the package to check for a notification and get very upset when there is none. We decided to talk about what this document is, what it is for and why it is “impossible” without it.

What is a notification and why is it needed?

Notification is an official permit that allows you to bring into the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and take out encryption tools from there without additional permits, licenses and other similar documents.
The point of the notification is to restrict the importation into the country of equipment that can be used for espionage, interception of conversations in the network of cellular operators, deployment of complex cryptographic systems in order to transfer data to possible agents.

The notification procedure requires manufacturers or official suppliers of devices to notify the authorities that the equipment imported into the territory of the EAEU contains cryptographic (cryptographic) means. Technologies implemented in such equipment can be attributed to dual-use technologies, both for civilian and military purposes. The notification mechanism allows the state to control special equipment, which in one way or another may pose a threat to national security. It turns out, if the gadget works with Wi-Fi and transmits files via Bluetooth, it needs permission.

When the notification appeared in Russia


Initially, the notification of devices that support cryptographic functions was only in Belarus, even before the country became a member of the EAEU. After joining the Eurasian Union, it was decided not to cancel the practice, but, on the contrary, to approve it for all member countries.

Formally, the notification has earned since January 1, 2010, but by this time, as often happens with the implementation of the new rules, far from everything was ready. They did not fully understand what documents to follow, there were delays in goods at the border. As a result, collisions arose when some customs demanded that the goods be processed according to the old rules, somewhere new, somewhere they just waited for clarification from the center. In the end, the new rules were finalized and concretized: a new list of cryptographic tools requiring the notification of the FSB was adopted. It was issued by the Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets (CLSZ FSB RF).


Notification was the continuation of a rather old practice of control over communications, which existed in the USSR from time immemorial. Then a mere mortal could not get permission neither for the walkie-talkie, nor for the portable telephone - only the special services could use it. The practice changed when licensing of foreign trade activities appeared in 1989, they were allowed to import equipment after receiving the consent of the competent authorities.

As the economy liberalized, control was replaced by prohibitions. Until now, many people remember how a printer or a copier needed to be registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (practically as a weapon), only legal entities were allowed to have them, and they had to be kept in special rooms locked up and alarmed. It was the same with mobile phones: until 2000, their owners needed to have with them a special permit, which the State Communications Supervision Authority issued for a small commission.

What devices are subject to notification

Notification is required for all electronic devices that in any way support cryptographic capabilities or encryption. The list includes smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, routers and routers, devices with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth modules on board (even wireless mice and keyboards), microchips, walkie-talkies, etc.

It is very easy to buy a laptop that is not in a special registry , you can even arrange for its delivery, but the probability of getting such a technique at hand tends to zero. At customs, such a shipment is likely to be turned back. In the worst case, men from the authorities visit the buyer and offer to pay a fine, for example, through the court - there have already been precedents.


Remember the case of Motorola phones. In July 2014, in Ulyanovsk, local customs officers brought an administrative case against a 25-year-old buyer, Moto G. The guy ordered a new smartphone on amazon.com , and he was accused of violating article 16.3 of the Administrative Offenses Code (“Non-compliance with prohibitions and (or) import restrictions”). goods ").

The parcel does not deliver goods without notification to countries where the law requires this document. It does not deliver Qwintry Air's own shipping method, but we are always ready to send a parcel using the US State Mail (USPS). However, under the responsibility of the client: if the departure from the gadgets "deployed", the package will be returned back.


The law allows several cases of importation of devices without notification by ordinary people. We will tell about how to get the device, which is not yet resolved in Russia, a little later (and we will describe the process in detail so that you are ready for anything). It is easy if you follow the algorithm and be really interested in a new gadget - enough to spend more than one hour of your time on this business.

How to get a notification on the device

In Russia, the equipment is legalized by the Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the FSB of Russia. In the Republic of Belarus - the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus. In Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies licenses new devices, and the National Security Committee will coordinate it.

To receive a notification, the device manufacturer itself or the seller in these countries applies to these bodies. They must come with a statement, license, provide technical documentation, samples of their devices and other references and documents. The authorities verify the authenticity of all this, after which they issue a permit for the importation of new devices or refuse if the applicants have misunderstood the requirements. Naturally, notification costs money.

Most often, manufacturers receive notifications for their goods "package" - the entire model range of the device. Large companies receive notifications in advance, even before the next gadget is introduced to the market. This, for example, Apple preoccupied in advance, having received permission to sell the iPhone 7 even a couple of weeks before the presentation of the smartphone. This has become known from the registry of notifications, in which Banderolk , like all interested parties, checks permits for the importation of electronic devices. Now there are only 25,000 notifications in the registry and there are not many popular “second row” devices: smart watches and fitness trackers, video cameras, gadgets from Amazon, Google and a myriad of phones.


Notification and encryption control in other countries

Control of devices and software that allows to implement cryptographic functions in different countries looks different. The strength of control depends on legislation, the level of state participation in the economy and market development. In Europe, the USA, Israel, Australia, India, Brazil and other countries, the first laws on obtaining permission to import equipment began to appear in the 90s and have only been improved since then.

Almost all EU countries control the export and import of cryptographic products, regulating their turnover within their countries. There are special Notified body, authorized bodies for notification. They check the safety of goods entering the market, make sure that in each EU country there are identical conditions for the sale of radio equipment.


Despite the enormous potential of the NSA and the CIA, the United States retains a special relationship to encryption technology. Whole “cryptographic wars” are unfolding, when even such a serious organization as the FBI cannot force Apple to reveal encryption technology and help to hack the phone of an alleged criminal.

Contrary to these minor difficulties, the equipment from the United States does not cease to order and deliver with the package . In our support chat, hundreds of times a day, people who want to save well ask for a notification. And send iPhones , cool cameras , phones , headphones and more . With the notification, of course.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401839/

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