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The Commission on Pseudoscience of the RAS does not plan to issue a memorandum on the harmlessness of GMOs. No topic selected yet


Today at Geektimes a post was published that the Commission on Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences is preparing a third memorandum, the theme of which is confirmation of the harmlessness of GMOs and the refutation of pseudoscientific theories about them. The user betrachtung , who prepared this news, referred as the primary source to the large news agency RT.

Unfortunately, this information turned out to be a throw-in from the side of the RT editorial board , which was picked up by a number of smaller media outlets, while the major ones filled up the RAS press service with questions. The latter had to issue a rebuttal, which was sent by e-mail.

“Today, in some media there was not quite accurate information that the topic of the next memorandum of the RAS Commission to combat pseudoscience will be erroneous ideas about the dangers of GMOs, and that work on this memorandum is already underway. We inform that at present the work on the memorandum number 3 has not yet begun and its theme has not been chosen, ”the letter says the press service of the commission to combat pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Recall that the memorandum on the recognition of homeopathy by pseudoscience created a serious resonance in society and the media, and the commission gained the support of the progressive part of the Russian population in this matter. Also, as part of a separate publication on this topic, we received comments from representatives of the RAS Commission.

The RAS press service also noted that the topic of the next memorandum will be reported separately .

Perhaps, instead of this publication, it was worth first informing betrachtung that the news was fake, but if articles on this topic began to appear on Geektimes from users, then there is a possibility that RT could mislead a considerable number of our readers who follow the news about the RAS from any major sources.

As soon as the topic of the third memorandum becomes known, we will inform about it on Geektimes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401821/

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