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10 jQuery scripts to improve the interface

Since the dawn of WEB 2.0, javascript frameworks have been developed, allowing webmasters to make the dynamic elements of the site much faster and easier. One such framework is jQuery, which has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and incredibly low weight. So, I present to your attention the 10 most useful jQuery scripts to improve the interface of your site.

Description: It is necessary to draw the user's attention to any text, image or web form through a modal window.
When and where it is used: When you need to display more information to the user, show an enlarged image, ask a few questions with a web form, or display a login form, but you don’t want the user to leave the page.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Plugin

Description: Allows you to display the contents of the page in tabs.
When and where it is used: When you want to free up screen space by providing quick access to hidden information. Often used in widgets for various premium WordPress themes.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Plugin

Coda slider
Description: Creates a slider, as in the screenshot from the site Coda .
When and where it is used: As in the case of Coda, this script is great for presenting products or services, grouped by section. Users get a quick overview and intuitive navigation.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Theme

Description: Galleria is a javascript gallery written in jQuery. Loads images one by one and displays thumbnails for them.
When and where is used: To show photos of an event or product, for example.
Script, example, documentation

Description: Tips implemented in jQuery.
When and where used: When you need to give more information about the object in the context of the article or implement user prompts in various web forms.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Plugin

Stylesheet switcher
Description: Allows visitors to your site to independently change the styles of "one click".
When and where it is used: When you want to allow the user to select fonts of various sizes, display information designed for a mobile phone or for printing, allow it to adjust colors. Stylesheet switcher can really help improve the usability of your site.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Plugin

jQuery Accordion menu
Description: Allows you to create dynamic menus.
Script, example, documentation
WordPress Plugin

Slider Gallery
Description: Represents products / images in a scrollable gallery.
When and where it is used: When you want to fit all the elements in the sidebar, but there is not enough space for all the options.
Script, example, documentation

Form validation
Description: Check web forms with Form Validation to avoid incorrect fields.
When and where used: In most forms. This helps users understand exactly where they have filled in the wrong fields, highlighting their errors.
Script, example, documentation

Description: Displays messages in the browser as well as Growl on MacOSX.
When and where it is used: If you inform the user about the action, but do not want it to leave the current page / update it. This is a great way to confirm user actions, such as registration. You can also use jGrowl in various stores, etc. to confirm the addition of goods to the cart or confirm the transaction.
Script, example, documentation

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40182/

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