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RAS Commission to combat pseudoscience will fight with pseudoscientific theories about the dangers of GMOs (fake)


The initial news from RT, on which I relied in my publication, turned out to be a fake . At the moment, work on memorandum number 3 has not yet begun, and its theme is not selected . It’s not very clear who to thank for the alternative facts: either RT ( 1 , 2 ), or academician Aleksandrov himself .

News from the RAS continue to delight. If the first memorandum of the commission to combat pseudoscience was devoted to such a little-known thing as dermatoglyphic testing , and therefore passed unnoticed, the second , devoted to the pseudoscience of homeopathy, caused a lot of noise and even led to the dismissal of one of the authors of the document (later it turned out that the director of the Institute Vladimir Starodubov worked with the First Deputy Minister of Health Alexander Tsaregorodtsev at the time of the adoption of the notorious order allowing the use of homeopathy in the domestic health care - and directly involved in the planting of homeopathy in Russia). Now a third memorandum is being prepared, dedicated to an even more urgent problem: allegations about the dangers of GMOs. The release of the memorandum is scheduled for late summer or autumn.
We believe that GMOs are the main path of human development, and the prejudices associated with GMOs are the result of ignorance.
- Chairman of the Commission Yevgeny Alexandrov

I recall that, despite the lack of evidence of harm to GMOs , last year a frankly sabotage bill was passed to ban GMOs , undermining the country's food security, its scientific and export potential. Let's hope that the new memorandum from the commission to combat pseudoscience can lead to the victory of common sense over populists, lobbyists and empty windshield.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401811/

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