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In Xinjiang Province of China, every car will be equipped with a satellite tracking system.

The administration of one of the largest provinces of China, Xinjiang ( Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ) plans to oblige motorists and commercial enterprises that own cars to install a tracking device on their vehicles. This sensor is monitored by satellite. With it, the authorities will be able to track information about the location of the car in real time. This is done, according to officials , to counter terrorism.

In this region, there is a strong influence of supporters of secession of the province from China, for which the local Islamists are particularly active. Xinjiang Province borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan and several other Central Asian states. The authorities fear terrorist attacks, and therefore decided to track the location of each vehicle in the region. As for the satellite system, it is not American GPS, but Beidou’s own global positioning system developed by the Chinese. It was created by order of the Chinese government, to reduce the country's dependence on the developments of other countries, in particular, the United States.

In addition to satellites, Chinese cars will be monitored using RFID tags embedded in license plates. "Over the past few years, the terrorist threat throughout the world has intensified, and cars are now the main means of transport for terrorists," the provincial authorities said in a statement. The administration of the region is going to install satellite systems for 20,000 cars. Without a "beacon" cars of the inhabitants of the region will not be able to be served at the gas station. No tracking system - there will be no opportunity to fill the tank of your car.
There is a really difficult situation in the region - over the past few years, terrorists have repeatedly attacked civilians (the last time - a few days ago ), in some cases the attackers organized explosions in public places.

As for China's global positioning system, Beidou, it was put into operation on December 27, 2012. Beidou is now national, in 2020 China plans to transfer the system to the global level, after all technical issues are resolved, and the frequency ranges are discussed with the leadership of the United States, Russia, and a number of European countries. Agreement on the compatibility of the navigation countries of the parties owning their own navigation groups, yet. Now the Chinese system operates at the frequency of the B1 signal, with a frequency of 1559.052 - 1591.788 MHz.

By 2020, 35 satellites of Beidou travelers will be in orbit: 5 in geostationary orbit, 3 satellites in inclined geosynchronous orbit, and 27 satellites in medium-Earth orbit. Perhaps the Chinese will also launch several backup devices. The tracking stations are equipped with UR240 dual-frequency receivers and UA240 antennas developed by the Chinese company UNICORE and capable of receiving GPS and Compass signals.

In China, not only cars are tracked, but citizens themselves. Thus, the authorities have announced the development of an assessment system for the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom according to their degree of reliability. Each citizen will be assigned a certain rating, which will determine the ability to gain access to certain services, including travel, education, insurance and loans. A citizen will lose points for attempted fraud, antisocial behavior, crime. Among other misdemeanors - disrupting the timing of payment of fines and violation of traffic rules.

Such a system of social assessment is already being tested in some regions. Previously, these were just lists of unreliable citizens. A person whose name is on such a list cannot buy a plane or train ticket.

Experts note that it will be difficult to unify several different systems for assessing the reliability of citizens that are currently operating in different regions of China, with further scaling up of a common platform. But, in general, everything is realizable. Perhaps in the future, the Chinese authorities will decide to use the experience of tracking cars in Xinjiang Province, along with a system of assessing the credibility of citizens. In this, too, nothing is impossible.

On the Internet, citizens of the Middle Kingdom are also tracked. In particular, a special license is required to register a site in China. In order to buy Chinese hosting, register a site in the .cn zone and begin to conduct any activity in the network, here you need to issue a license to the content provider. An application for a license is considered by employees of the Ministry of Industry and Information of China. In addition, back in 2012, officials suggested introducing mandatory registration of all users of the Chinese network segment under real names. The collection and storage of personal information about subscribers should be handled by providers. A year earlier, the administration of the Chinese microblogging service Sina Weibo introduced the requirement of registration with real user names. The excuse is protection from spam, fraud and improved service.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401797/

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