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Hoversurf introduced the Hovierbike Scorpion-3


The Russian company Hoversurf has developed a manned hoverbike aircraft, which is similar in design to a motorcycle. Instead of the wheels of a flying "motorcycle" drive is built, creating the effect of an air bag. The Scorpion-3 version resembles a giant quadcopter, which can be controlled both manually and automatically.

The idea to combine a motorcycle and quadrocopter resulted in the creation of a platform that could be used in extreme conditions. According to the manufacturers, the Scorpion-3 works on specially created software that controls the height and speed of the vehicle and thus ensures a safe ride.

Starting with the very first version, hoverbike is positioned as an apparatus for extreme piloting. Creating a design of the device, engineers were inspired by the forms of heavy sport motorcycles. Scorpion-3 is the second and last prototype of the company. The previous version of the Scorpion-1 hoverbike was introduced in the summer of 2016. Then the developers demonstrated the basic capabilities and performance of a hoverbike - the man in the saddle was able to take to the air and land successfully. According to the calculations, the Scorpion-1 can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour, and it can be in the air on one battery for about half an hour.

It is not yet known what technical improvements were developed for the Scorpion-3. If you visually compare both versions, it can be noted that the rotors of the hoverbike are located slightly higher than the very first prototype. Due to this improvement, the device has become more stable and, accordingly, safer.

Some are skeptical of hoversbikes from Hoversurf for one, but very good reason. The main problem of the device - the insecurity of the rotors - migrated from the Scorpion-1 to the new version. One careless movement of the rider - and he may lose his limbs.

While it is not very clear what is the probability that Scorpion-3 will be massively produced. It is possible that the design of the new device will change before the official launch, and then not only the notorious extreme person will want to take advantage of such an aircraft, but also the average person.

In addition to hoverbikes, Hoversurf designs and sells cargo drones, which are useful for various purposes - monitoring, cargo transportation, ice reconnaissance, as well as for rescue and evacuation operations. The technologies developed in the company allow you to create drones with a carrying capacity from 90 kg to 2.5 tons. In addition, the company manufactures individual elements to create the transport of the future - engines, batteries, propellers, and more.

However, the main goal of the creators is to develop the transport system of the future, which will include not only cutting-edge transport, but also the infrastructure necessary for its successful operation. According to the company, a presentation of a flying taxi, another key direction, will take place very soon.

Previously, various companies have already submitted their prototype hoverbikes. For example, the British company Malloy Aeronautics in 2015 designed and produced a prototype of the Malloy Hoverbike, and the research laboratory of the US Army conducted its successful tests. It is assumed that a hoverbike will deliver ammunition, participate in reconnaissance operations, and transport the military on the battlefield.

Another development is owned by Aerofex. The idea and the first technological solutions were invented back in the 60s of the last century, but at that time it was not possible to bring these ideas to perfection. Now designers have finalized the Aero-X prototype and tested it. The commercial model of the device should come out already this year at a price of about 85 thousand US dollars. By the way, the declared value of the Scorpion-1 at one time amounted to almost three times less - 34 thousand dollars.

In 2015, the British inventor, Colin Furze, demonstrated the capabilities of the hovierbike, which he designed and built himself with the support of Ford. He welded the frame of the hoverbike from aluminum pipes, and used motors from motor-scraper as engines.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401779/

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