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Apple bought an Israeli startup for face recognition Realface

Apple has acquired an Israeli startup to create face recognition technologies Realface, according to an Israeli resource calcalist.

According to estimates, the cost of the transaction was about $ 2 million. According to the promotional materials of the startup, the Realface team has developed a “unique face recognition technology that is based on the use of artificial intelligence and simulates human perception.”

Various VR and AR startups, including companies involved in the creation of algorithms and systems for the recognition of objects, have been very popular among technological giants in recent years.
Now a number of corporations are developing in the field of object recognition, virtual and augmented realities. Among them, Microsoft, with its AR-project HoloLens, Facebook with Oculus Rift and MSQRD, Valve and HTC with its VR helmet Vive and even Uber and Fyft services, which are actively involved in the development of unmanned vehicles along with Tesla Motors. Almost all these developments began with the acquisition of a startup or a small company. For example, Snapchat received substantial dividends from the purchase of the Ukrainian startup Looksery, which was involved in the creation of filters, and the startup for Otto is being carried out by the startup Otto.

Apple did not keep up with the general trend and got its own startup in this direction. The purchase can confirm the rumors about the screen unlock function through the user's face recognition in the iPhone 8 using the front camera and laser sensors.

To implement this, you will actually need a great technology, the performance of which will not be affected by the light intensity, the race and the age of the user, hair change, makeup, as well as dozens of other factors.

It's not entirely clear how Apple is going to bring the technology to a similar level in a few years, because even Facebook with its MSQRD application, which has great potential in terms of collecting statistical information and testing, did not even say anything like it at the application level for its social network. . Although unmistakable face recognition could be one of the most effective ways to protect your account.

In the piggy bank of a startup Realface, there is only a dead Pickeez photo sorting application , the development and support of which they stopped.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401763/

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