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I offer a blog as a gift

Greetings to all users of Habr, I have a small gift - the site http://gglphone.com

It so happened that this topic does not interest me anymore, and generally tired of the Internet - there are other interesting projects that I want to completely surrender to. Therefore, I will give the domain and website to the one who is interested and who can make the world better, using what I laid.
I don’t know if this is good or bad, but this site, according to the word android, falls on the first page in Google . So when there are devices on sale there will probably be many visits, and maybe not.

I am waiting.

PS Thanks for such a lively response, it seems that the project will continue to live without me. There are a lot of proposals, so now I will correspond with those who want to lead the project and find the one to whom I will pass it. By the way, the domain http://androidapps.ru/ is also attached as a gift, and I have a lot of thoughts and ideas about this site too. I wanted to make a software portal with a raisin and not just a warehouse ... everything is being discussed ...

Attention! This project I decided to donate ostrovityanin '. I will help as a designer and write news from time to time. In the correspondence, we chose a rather interesting development course, so we invite those who want to participate in the project to the team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40175/

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