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We meet the competitor Segway. One wheel scooter.

Ben Smither from Norwich in England built an original personal scooter (more like a skateboard), using a similar Segway stabilization system, but with one wheel.

It took about £ 300 (approximately 580 dollars per dollar) to be used on the parts, but unfortunately Ben didn’t tell how much time it took to put them together. On Ben's site you can see the photos of the scooter, a list of necessary components for the assembly, as well as the software used for management. But still to build your own scooter you need to have a certain level of knowledge in electronics. If you cannot say without Google what the H-Bridge driver is, then you should find out more before trying to build it. Let's hope that Ben or someone else will take advantage of their capabilities and start selling ready-made kits for assembly (although, of course, first of all they will have to beware of Sony, as it owns </ a href = " www.engadget.com/ 2007/01/02 / sony-patents-segway-esque-skateboard "> of a patent for a similar type of management). But in the meantime, we will have to use our legs to move. :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4017/

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