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2nd meeting in Moscow. Photo report

So, let's sum up the 2nd informal meeting of startups. It was successful :) This opinion was expressed by the participants themselves.
65 people attended, 4 startups presented their start-ups, 1 speaker and many interesting ideas during discussions. Of course, not everything went smoothly, but only he who does nothing is not mistaken. And we do and are ready to continue to do. The main thing - there have been outlined specific ways for the development of the event. It is already more or less clear what startups need from these meetings, it is clear that they will be interesting to investors, and of course to all those who are still determined.

We started the same way as last time from getting to know each other, each introduced himself, said what he was doing and what purpose he was pursuing at this meeting. Next was the Elevator-Pitch four startups:

Picbite.com - image hosting with tools for processing photos and features-analogue Business Lynch on artlebedev.ru

FunkyHR is a startup for hr-specialists (articles, blogs, social network), is in the sid-stage.

WebDiktor.ru - Launched start-up - voice acting by speakers of runet articles.
The secret e-consulting start -up (at the request of the author I will not tell anything more about him).

Each startup was given as much as 3 minutes to present his web project. After that we started a “startup-lynch”: each participant could ask the startup a tricky question, which they (the participants) did. Unfortunately, some start-ups were not ready for tricky and not-so-good questions and clear answers were not always obtained. As Maxim Spiridonov, head of the Royber Production Center, noted on this occasion, invited to the meeting as an expert, “If you are not a hobby, but a business, if you come to investors, be kind enough to be businessmen, be able to present your idea in an understandable form and have at least some financial plan, at least in Excel, to have an idea of ​​how to make money on a startup. If you don’t immediately think about such banal and boring things, you risk, you risk losing your own time and money. ”

After that there was a report on monetization, which sounded some interesting ideas. Well, in the end, we decided to take practical advantage of the discussion and organized brainstorming on the topic “Monetization of a startup on the example of Web Web site”.

The next meeting is scheduled for October 5, most likely it will be held in the Business Center of the Moscow State University of Management (Vykhino metro station).
We invite startups to present their projects. Who will submit the application earlier have more chances to get into the program of the meeting. Write in a personal.

Photo report of one of the meeting participants:
More photos here and here .
I remind you that all the latest information and recording for the event in the Google group
Event website: startupoint.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40168/

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