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The Expert Council rejected the Ministry of Communications amendments to the package of laws Spring


The Expert Council under the government criticized the amendments prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Communications for the package of antiterrorist laws of Yarovaya-Ozerova, Kommersant reports . The corresponding document will be presented at the meeting of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich , which is being held today.

Recall, after the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media rejected a petition on the abolition of a package of laws, the department together with the security agencies developed a number of amendments to it.

For the most part, the amendments concerned the reduction of volumes, the exclusion of certain types of traffic and the gradual increase in shelf life from the summer of 2018. Then representatives of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media stated that this would significantly reduce the burden on operators and make the Spring package viable.
Expert Council under the government does not agree with the position of the Ministry. In his conclusion, he pointed out that there is still no clear technical specification, a contractor and, in general, an action plan for the implementation of the law: so far there is only talk about what telecom operators are obliged to do. So, there are still no requirements for the composition and structure of the information that the carrier must keep. The council also pointed out the technical inconsistency of the Spring package and its complete separation from reality.

The timing of the implementation also raises questions. Even if we take into account the amendments of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, the infrastructure for compliance with the norms of the Spring package will be ready no earlier than 2023, experts say. The implementation timeline proposed by the government for 2018 is not feasible, not only for technical reasons, but also because of the lack of clear requirements on the part of the authorities.

The authors of the document argue that the implementation of the requirements of the package of laws will have a negative impact on telecom operators, “will actually lead to the unprofitability of their business and its curtailment,” or else at least twice the increase in tariffs.

According to the head of the analytical department of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications Karen Ghazaryan, questions remain unanswered for the execution of the “Law of Spring” because “no one is going to take responsibility for themselves,” he said, Kommersant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401667/

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