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A new kind of Nigerian letters: Bitcoins began to extort in social networks for information about the customer of your murder

The new scam is roaming the Internet: different media personalities with a controversial reputation (and who doesn’t have it?) Are starting to send letters warning about the alleged murder order and requesting to transfer some bitcoins for customer information.

Give bitcoins, uncle!

This scam began, according to public reports, with Artemy Lebedev, who received the first such message on January 31.

This happened exactly five days later of his sensational debates with Alexei Navalny. And from where did the author of the letter come up with the idea that in Russia people who lit up publicly with Navalny might fear for their lives?
Although the Nigerian secret issue of this threat is quite obvious, we will nevertheless try to make out this letter from the point of view of the alarmed man in the street: “What if?”

No “ifs” because:

  1. Even having an idea of ​​the life of professional killers, mainly in the movies, it is not difficult to guess what problems a killer could face, who not only refused to fulfill an order, but also surrender his customer. Of course, the alleged victim will not find him - where the big trouble threatens him from the one who tried to hire him or participated intermediaries in this difficult matter.

  2. If we assume that someone is REALLY so fond of Artemy’s blog that he is ready to risk his professional life and in general his life for new posts in it, then what’s the point of demanding a ransom for this information? What was the point of writing Lebedev about it? From the point of view of a killer trying to save his “order”, this behavior is absolutely delusional. And all this divorce is focused on very very faint of heart individuals.

But good ideas are rarely wasted. A week later, the story began to gain momentum: on February 7, someone less savvy, but no less enterprising, wrote a similar letter in a person for at least three prominent runet figures: Andrei Bocharov , who was not around Navalny anywhere, and lately is generally better known with his voice acting funny videos, Anton Krasovsky , who is engaged in charity work in the fight against HIV and Alfred Koch , an opposition blogger who previously worked in the Russian government.

The author called himself "Ramzan Mirzoyev", rightly judging that the Chechen name will sound more frightening. But the style gave a cheap fake right away:


The author of this threat honestly tried to imitate the original threat to Lebedev, in which it was written: “You can send money to a Bitcoin address ... I think you will figure out how to do it” - but then the tough guy's nerves passed and the inner schoolboy carefully wrote “if not, this is an approximate instruction "With reference to ru.wikihow.com. And if this is not a viral ad for Wikihow, then the art of convincing the letter author should be worked out more carefully.

At the same time, if nothing is known about the actions taken by Lebedev, Krasovsky and Bocharov in connection with this, Koch, who lives in Germany, said that he had reported the attempted extortion to the police:

We haven't come across any other cases of this Nigerian spam, but just in case, I would like to paraphrase the famous moment from “Real Love” and address all those who are already scratching turnips, who would send this threat: children, do not extort no one has bitcoins - it's a waste of time. It’s better to mine them:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401645/

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