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Automotive Digest: Repair, Insurance and New Technologies

Technology is developing rapidly, especially in the automotive industry. Not so long ago no one thought about serial electric vehicles and autopilot technologies, and such devices are already driving on public roads - take at least Uber. Therefore, today I have made for you a selection of materials on new products in the field of the automotive industry and related fields.

Photo author: m1try SS

Electric cars

The real cost of "fuel" for electric vehicles
Why the cost of charging can vary and how to "refuel" for free. The author tells on what factors the cost of charging an electric vehicle depends.

What is battery replacement technology and why is it so important?
How the battery replacement station works and why electric vehicle manufacturers approve of this technology. Read who invented it, why Tesla wants its urgent implementation, what prevents it.

Shades of green: On carbon emissions from electric cars
What determines the level of pollution in which countries have the highest and lowest emissions.

Nobody knows how much electric cars pollute the air?
What factors influence the amount of emissions, and why there is not enough data to accurately answer this question.

You can not just take and hook up the batteries
Why an electric car will not work on eight AAA batteries interconnected. Schemes, formulas, visual experiments.

What to look for before buying an electric car
Highlights: distance of the trip, time to recharge (and the number of charging stations nearby), maintenance. What is good electric car in the long term and the comparison of models.

Electric Cars: Chronology
From Faraday and Edison to Ilon Mask. How humanity came to electric vehicles.

Electric cars: the future is already here
How electric cars are developing, who sets the trends and what advantages the world is waiting for when everyone will switch to electric cars. What is the situation in this market in Russia and what prevents us from buying a “car with batteries”.

Car safety and car repair

Is it worth giving a chance to "connected cars"?
Why security system developers do not keep up with the auto industry and how to “patch holes” in software.

Accident as a rudiment: Road safety in the near future
On technologies designed to improve traffic safety on public roads: a projection on the windshield, driver monitoring systems, collision avoidance systems. Read also about how to build a car network and when there will be "smart roads".

After accident: How to assess the damage to the car
How to assess the damage, where to go after the accident, what is needed for an independent examination, who calculates the damage and how the payments for OSAGO and KASKO differ.

Rotate 180: Active Security
The author tells about when the development of active safety systems began and how much success the industry has already achieved.

Humanetics enhances car safety with 3D-printed crash dummies
Why classic crash test dummies are not perfect. Read about how Humanetics is trying to solve a problem.

Roads 2.0: how will the future transportation systems look
Crashless cars, predictive diagnostics, unloaded roads - this is what awaits us in the future.


“Why it doesn’t work”: Telematics and Savings on CASCO
What is telematics and what are its functions. The author tells how things are going with telematics in Russian realities.

Problems with insurance pricing - the phone will save the situation
How to create a contract based on the readings of sensors or data from a smartphone. Who benefits and why.

Auto 2020: Autonomous and Anonymous
What the future cars will look like: Big Data, autopilot, robotic taxis and interaction with the environment.

How to quickly get the insurance payment on CTP
A simple algorithm: a traffic police certificate, europrotocol, contacting the insurance and examination. You will also find answers to questions about how to write a petition to expedite the consideration of the case and what to do if the machine is not restored.

Five things to expect from the insurance industry in 2017
Personalized service with a large customer base, changing market conditions with the advent of autopilot, blockchain technology, the development of mobile technologies.

AI as Auto Insurance
An article about technology that allows you to build routes for movement, taking into account possible dangers (as well as free parking spaces).

Author photo: Samuel Silva SS

Different and interesting

Overview of technologies from CES 2017, which turned the auto industry
Unmanned Audi Q5, "Tesla killer", the secret crossover from the Faraday Future. Also read what surprises Honda's small smart car and when the Hyundai drones will become serial.

How not to get into an accident in the rain?
Eight tips on how to behave in the wet.

The company dismantles cars in order to find out how they are arranged.
The guys write whole treatises on the work of all car systems: how they are arranged, how much it will cost. The article has many photos, figures and facts.

"Winter driving": 8 nuances that the driver needs to remember
Tips for driving a car in the winter: what elements of a car require special care, what to have in the trunk and how to get out of the ditch.

What makes the new "anti-jamming" bus in China so awesome
Facts about the new Chinese invention: a highway bus that passes cars “under the belly”. Why this incredibly expensive prototype is so cool.

Acceleration Tesla Model S more acceleration of gravity
Another breakthrough Ilona Mask - 60 miles per hour in 2.5 seconds. Now Tesla drives a mile faster than flying.

5 new ways to own a car
Carsharing, access to all models of the same brand for a monthly fee, sharing and profit from fellow travelers.

PS If you have seen other interesting and / or useful articles, then share them in the comments. Feel free.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401593/

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