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Experts point to the failure of most of the norms of the package of laws of the Spring-Ozerov

Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich

This Friday, February 17, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich is holding a meeting to discuss the package of Yarovaya-Ozerov laws, Vedomosti reports . The fact of the meeting was confirmed by the government staff. The meeting will deal with amending the package of laws of Yarovo-Ozerov, proposed by an expert group led by Mikhail Abyzov.

Recall, on January 20, a meeting was held with the participation of an expert group on the package of laws of Yarovaya-Ozerov. Then the ROI petition was on the agenda to cancel the Yarovaya-Ozerov package, which the Ministry of Communications did not support. In addition, officials discussed possible adjustments to the laws that will reduce the burden on telecom operators and reduce the volume of traffic required for storage.
During the January meeting, officials and experts came to the conclusion that it was necessary to reduce the types of traffic required for storage. Thus, the traffic generated when downloading torrents, watching IP-TV and online video was excluded from the list of information falling under the Yarovaya-Ozerov package.

“The point is that Internet-based video, IP-TV, torrents and a number of other information resources that are very difficult to store are related to redundant information,” said then Deputy Minister of Communications Alexey Volin.

At the same time, the expert group provided the government with a conclusion recommending an additional assessment of the technical, organizational and social aspects of the Yarovaya-Ozerov law package. Separate attention was paid to redundant information: the expert group proposed to reduce the amount of traffic required for storage by 80%, focusing exclusively on text and voice messages.

The new version of the conclusion, which the expert group prepared for the Friday meeting, says that it will be possible to estimate the costs of telecom operators only after the launch of the test project. For this reason, the group proposes to deploy a test platform on the basis of one of the operators, which will comply with all the norms of the Yarovaya-Ozerov law package. This will allow testing the systems, estimating the necessary costs and making sure that the proposed approach works. Experts do not refuse from their past proposals, namely, the gradual increase in the time and volume of information required for storage after the enactment of laws enters into force.

Based on which operator the test infrastructure will be deployed is not specified. At the same time, it is obvious that most likely to take part in testing will be Rostelecom - as an operator owned by the state. A source from Vedomosti, close to the expert group, said that due to the testing, the terms of entry into force of the law may be shifted to 2019. The conclusion was drawn up taking into account the positions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Communications and other ministries and departments.

In addition to the need to test and revise the types of information required for storage, the expert group notes in its conclusion the problem of encryption. In their opinion, almost all the information required for storage by telecom operators will be impossible to decipher. Now 49% of all Internet traffic is encrypted, and after three years this figure will be 90%. The conclusion states that "this may create difficulties in the implementation of the law."

The conclusion of the expert group will be sent, in addition to the government, to the Supreme Court and the State Duma. In addition to the above, it points to the need to exclude the broad interpretation of the concepts “missionary activity”, “extremism” and “insult religious feelings of believers”, and the Supreme Court to analyze the judicial practice in their part.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401575/

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