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What happens to MooTools

Below is the translation of today's post of one of the MooTools developers into google groups.

I write this post on the mailing list to tell the MooTools community what the developers have been doing these days, and what will happen to the framework. We are all tired of answering the same questions again and again, so I hope that this post will make something clearer, and we will stop seeing the same thing, again and again on the mailing list.

1. What happens to the site?

Many of you think that we have abandoned the old MooTools site in exchange for a simple boring option. The reason why we updated the site to a new, simple, completely without effects, is that we want people to understand what MooTools is before they try to use it. We like the new site, and this is exactly what we want to see. The old site did not convey the correct picture of the framework. MooTools has never been a script that can be copied along with the code of some example, to get a crazy effect on the site, even if you don't know anything about JavaScript. This is a framework for javascript developers. If it sounds elite, well, let it be, but understand that this is not our goal.
We also understand that no matter what we tell everyone, we cannot force someone to learn something, and many people will use the tools we develop incorrectly ... this is normal, because they are open source.

3. What happened to the forum?

We like the mailing lists much more, as this is what developers all over the world use, and we can watch them at leisure with the help of email clients. Please stop asking us to bring the forum back, or you can upgrade to another framework that provides its users with an official forum ... (note that all other frameworks, including jQuery, use mailing lists. None have an official forum and no asks about it.

In addition, there is Nabble, a forum-based interface to mailing lists. If you have never tried it, look at n2.nabble.com/MooTools-Users-f660466.html
Also, the guys at mooforum.net did a great job, so register there and use mailing lists instead if you want.

Turning to the developers and moderators of mooforum.net, if you need something or you think that there is an important post that developers should see, let me know using email and I will answer. Thank you for all the hard work you have done.

2. What happened to the blog?

Valerio and I spent this week starting with Fronteers 2008 (we’ll dwell on this a bit more later) while working on the new MooTools blog. Mephisto gave us a lot of problems and could not be styled in accordance with the rest of the site, so we decided to remove it. It was not an easy task, but as soon as it will be done (at the end of this week), I personally and other developers will write regularly useful information. Check mootools.net for updates at the end of the week.

3. What is the Fronteers?

Last week, I spoke at a conference in Amsterdam, which was called Fronteers and was dedicated to object-oriented design in JavaScript, and how we use some of the principles in MooTools. Valerio attended the conference with me and, since we were there, we talked a lot about MooTools.

4. What about other frameworks?

I and other speakers / developers at the Fronteers conference talked to each other, we are all on the same team! We love other frameworks, and we like the contributions they make to the JavaScript community, and we want you all to love them too. We do not compete with any of them. If you think jQuery is better suited for your current project, use it! This is a well-tested and honed framework. I also want to end the wars between the frameworks. If developers communicate normally with each other, then users should do this too. No more scolding other frameworks, okay?

5. What's next?

We are working on release 1.2.1, which will be very soon. The biggest problem that needs to be addressed is in Class.js, but everyone who watched the code understands that this is not a trivial task. I'm working on rewriting Class.js so that it works again with Safari2 and Opera, without dirty hacks. I will say when we are done and everything will be tested. 1.2.1 will also contain many other bug fixes. There is one problem with Request, which may require a small API change. If this happens, I will tell you about this small change when there is a release.

After 1.2.1 we will start the development of MooTools 1.3. If we decide that there should be other changes that should be in releases, you can release one or two intermediate releases, but we will solve this in the development process. 1.3 will contain several new things that we have not yet decided. I will make a few posts on this blog when everything is finished.

I think this small amount of official information is enough to make it clear what is happening and what will happen with MooTools. If there are other questions that I have not raised, you can ask them.


- Tom Occhino

PS: sorry, I can't count :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40157/

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