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Within the framework of the project “Science is not flour”, there will be a discussion on the topic: “Sex, drugs, rock and roll: addiction or life?”

image February 15 at 19:00 in the shop "Bookvoed" (St. Petersburg, Ligovsky Ave, 10). Scheduled online broadcast.

Dmitry Kovpak, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, an associate professor at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the North-Western State Medical University, takes part in the discussion. I.I. Mechnikova, chief physician of the Center for Emotional Correction, Sergey Bazhenov - biologist, lecturer of the educational project “Progress School”, head of the editorial board of “Computer and popular science literature” Yulia Sergienko, lead editor, translator Natalia Rimitsan (Piter Publishing ).

The topic of the discussion is based on the example of the book by Mark Lewis, a cognitive neurobiologist and a former addict - “The biology of desire. Addiction is not a disease .

Modern man has many addictions. We sit on social networks, play computer and gambling games, spend a lot more on purchases than we were going to, drink, smoke, or do sports fanatically. But why then do psychiatrists and psychologists call illness only alcohol or drug addiction? And, for example, not unrequited love, which is also an addiction with sad consequences?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401531/

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