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Tutorial: how to find love?

It is believed that the cheapest type of fuel is natural gas. It is a mixture of colorless and odorless hydrocarbons based on methane. In fact, the cheapest kind of fuel is passion. If a person has a passion, he can be given to her for free without a trace. Love is often confused with passion, but love is the fuel of dubious quality. Love (for many) is the inner protection from all the terrible and bad things in the world. On the other hand, internal protection is immunity. BG sang unequivocally about disease prevention: “The one who loves is loved”, The Sonics propagandized travel insurance: “Have love - will travel”, and also warned about the problems of autoimmune diseases Joy Division: “Love will tear us apart”. What we really need and how to find it is in the new Genotek material.


How to understand that I fell in love

One of the paradoxical questions of psychiatric science: what is the norm of mental health? The scope of the norm is very fragile, so psychiatrists work with those people who experience discomfort. Feeling “out of place” may arise due to the inconsistent release of neurotransmitters, as a result of which a person loses control of himself. The state of being in love is partly reminiscent of mental disorder, with the exception that the lover may experience pleasure from what is happening. In fact, there is the same riot of neurotransmitters. Both the schizophrenic and the girl in love suffer from the fact that the world does not share their logic. Insomnia, obsessive ideas and mood swings are either a manic-depressive psychosis or a new love affair. Last - close to passion - the state is popularized by mass culture. So now love is overvalued in society, and its condition is close to inflation. The term itself has too wide application, different people understand different things as “love”.

Cross-cultural romantic

People are divided into two groups: some understand love as a process, others - as a result. In any case, if we are talking about love, romantic and reciprocal, one should imply the interaction of the two partners. One should not assume that this is a narrow abstraction: it is known that the concept of romantic love exists not only in European culture. From a biological point of view, love has three components: preferences that determine the choice of a partner, affection and sexual desire. All three processes are spheres of influence of different hormones. First, the choice of a particular partner activates the central dopamine pathways responsible for the internal reward system, motivation and neuroendocrine control. Then attachment to a partner begins to grow due to "heavy artillery."

No vasopressin in family discord

Initially, vasopressin is a peptide hormone that is responsible for maintaining water balance in the body and for reducing the vessels of the circulatory system. What is called homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment - is in the zone of influence of this particular substance. In fact, the peptide harmonizes the state both inside and outside. The formation of paired bonds in society in primates seriously affected the development of the brain. It was experimentally shown that the gene for vasopressin V1aR receptor breakdown in rodents leads to the inability to form long-lasting bonds. One of the variants of polymorphisms of this gene in humans was also investigated. Scientists have found that problems in the family and the quality of married life are related to the way vasopressin receptors function. The vital companions of men with “broken” vasopressin receptors reported that affection, satisfaction, and cohesion in the relationship are practically absent.

Neuroendocrine bomb

The second heavy projectile of love is oxytocin, a neuropeptide that is used to facilitate childbirth. This powerful weapon, which shoots a man with affection and condemns him to friendly behavior and affection for others, is developed in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. This is a small area in the diencephalon that regulates global neuroendocrine activity. That is, the answer to the request “How to make me let go, please” lies somewhere in the hypothalamus region. The effect of oxytocin is similar to the effect of antidepressants. However, oxytocin receptor blocking does not conquer depression — another feature is associated with them. Deletion, or improper modification of the oxytocin receptor gene (OTXR), is associated with autism.

Breastfeeding Collaboration

Oxytocin is needed to stimulate lactation and uterine contractions, and it also instills a sense of unity within the group. In a situation where kindness and empathy have become integral elements of communication, oxytocin should be sprayed into the meeting rooms in order to achieve the most effective solution of issues. Teamwork is significantly accelerated when all partners are willing to cooperate and openly share information. The experiment showed that intranasal administration of a dose of oxytocin before a meeting allows participants to exchange information more efficiently and process it: people relate to each other more confidently and are set up to interact. A steady stream of oxytocin creates attachment to a particular person. It is believed that the peptide also indirectly affects the dulling of feelings of fear and anxiety.

Violets are dead, roses are blue, and in love you need to create a family

From an evolutionary point of view, the forerunners of the love we are considering may be empathy, group consciousness, sexuality and maternal bonds. The evolution of the perception of the world and the cognitive abilities of man has led to the expansion of the possibilities of language as a signaling system. So, in addition to the biochemical cascades, love has become a complex of rituals, becoming a sacrament. Do not forget that this is only a wrapper around the search for a partner with whom it will be possible to create and raise offspring. The complex signaling system, the poetry of Sappho and Catullus, the symmetrical perception of music - all this is very interesting, but has nothing to do with lovemaking. And the matter is not in conservative views, but in what goal was the initial one.

If love for you is “bigger, easier, more airy” than primitive animal rituals, that's fine. In no case let anyone convince you of the opposite, but most importantly - be prepared to defend your position. Such an understanding of love lies outside genetics, beyond any biological boundaries. In other cases, the challenge is this: to find the perfect partner.

Less rock

Someone dreams of a full-fledged family, and someone is interested to enjoy what is happening. If the task of creating a romantic atmosphere with a partner is solved by regulating the flow of substances in the head, then the search for a compatible person is completely different. And those who see relationships as a process, and those who care about the result, can collect a person as a puzzle, combining hair color, foot size, hip volume, voice tone, average wages, religious beliefs and favorite music albums. The main thing is not to fall into a frenzy, because there are many treasures in the world, the love among which is the most overrated.

Minimize disgust from communication

In the light of evolution, the process and the result of pairing are inseparable. On the one hand, to create offspring from two people, it is necessary to overcome disgust, to have sex, and then - for some time to take care of each other and about their child, as well as to show mutual tolerance to diseases and physiological features. On the other hand, since there is an opportunity to mix your genes with someone, you need to somehow make the best child. In this case, an empirically observable fact seems logical: stable relationships are formed in pairs with the most diverse sequences of the HLA gene - human leukocyte antigen.

Smell or sequenced

HLA encodes proteins of the major histocompatibility complex - a molecule that remains on the surface of cells and is a kind of barcode for the human immune system. The immune system pays attention to HLA: if it does not see a molecule corresponding to the host complex on the cell membrane, the cell is marked as a stranger that needs to be neutralized. HLA is very polymorphic, that is, there are a large number of variants of these genes. This allows for fine tuning of adaptive immunity. It is thanks to the diversity of HLA that people are still able to protect themselves from diseases. Thus, the probability of meeting a person with the same HLA-complex is rather low, but the desire for perfection — and to improve the immune system of the offspring — leads people to look for a partner with an HLA that is as different from their own as possible. And then the pleasure of the process? People with different HLA sequences are more satisfied with the interaction in the couple and get more pleasure from sex - this is proven by watching 254 heterosexual couples of people over 18 years of age. Moreover, women are more willing to conceive a child from a partner whose HLA sequence is very different from her own. In addition, the attractiveness of a partner with dissimilar HLA genes was formulated by the subjects precisely as “pleasant body odor”. Of course, the human sense of smell essentially loses the smell of four-legged ones, but if you like the smell of your beloved, there is no doubt: you have found each other! After all, smells provoke instant sexual desire.

Three facts about the smell of love

"Believers" in the magical halo around the so-called love will appreciate this information. The facts are quite controversial, and the experiments at their core are contradictory, but perhaps this will inspire someone to do their own research. The main advice for those who want to find love: cure a cold and stop watering yourself with spirits. Your nose and its sensitive olfactory receptors create a more complete human perception. It is noticed that at the peak of fertility during the menstrual cycle, women change their preference in favor of a more courageous partner. In terms of smell, this is due to the predominance of testosterone in the smell. Quite differently, women's tastes change when taking hormonal contraceptives: the smell of men with similar HLA genes seems more attractive to them. In addition, one experiment proves that a person’s gender identity and the perception of pheromones are interrelated. Simply put, women and gays are excited by male pheromones.

Do not take love to heart. “Ideal partners” are usually searched by people who have difficulty setting priorities. From a genetic point of view, the winner is the one who found the person as dissimilar as possible. No need to look for love. Look for adventures. Look for yourself. Look for a way out. Look for memes. Look for people. The main thing is to find.

PS I do not want to be intrusive, but we know what an original gift to give to your lover / sweetheart.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401519/

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