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How I met with the FLProg program

How I met flippets.

This story began at the time of my birth. I was born on Energy Day, December 22. I think no! Too early. Let's leave this moment of history for writing autobiography. So, we miss the moment when I argued, at twelve years old, reached into the power supply access panel. Type this wire does not hit a current. Did not strike.

Kaleidoscope fly important milestones of life. Training installer radio. Work in the mountains on the transmitting center. Army, taiga, boots, radio station on the back. Life, the carousel turns on. Work as an electrician, cool electrician. Here I am already a master.
White blizzard flies work in the far north. Life is rolling uphill. Work energetic. AutoCAD Projects, projects. Many projects at night. Success, experience. Buying an apartment, car, family, children. Country house. Stop. Country house. Here is the countdown. When installing the roof, drop from the second floor. Compressional fracture of the spine, fracture of the hip joint, and a very complex fracture of the left leg.

Here is the starting point. It begins in the ward of the district hospital. Lying in bed immobilized body, I had something that many do not notice. What passes by us, and we do not notice it. The most valuable ... Time.

Yes, time, free time, I had. It remains to choose what to fill it. Then I remembered that I was engaged in amateur radio. What can distinguish a trigger from a tripper. And I distinguish the difference between the controller and controller. What I wanted to be a programmer, and there is the same cottage. And I'm kinda smart. And not to make at the cottage "smart home".

In the hands of the tablet and the Internet, and it is the most ... Time. He began to dig in the endless expanses of what to use "iron". It turned out, either expensive or very expensive. Between these two questions, I came, really on crutches, and so I came to the choice of Arduino controllers. Not the last role was played by the fact that this idea was born in a bar, I hope over a beer.

Progress in knowledge, confirmed in progress and in treatment. Up to the crutches up to the computer, I began to learn a programming language for Arduino controllers.

Workouts to strengthen the back, followed by workouts in writing code for compilation in the Arduino IDE.

Like many, I fell for the bait "Hello, world!". It seems easy to write code, easy to compile. Well, then. And then you need to learn the "language" of programming. And with English, it is tight. Of the languages ​​spoken, only Russian and Russian abusive.

Began to nibble on the granite of science. Well, how to gnaw. Rather, lick the surface of the tablet from impotence. I tried the program for visual programming.

Scratch, cool for kids. But, I'm not a child. It seemed too primitive. Scratch for Arduino. Getting close. Again, not that. ArduBlok, here it is. What was looking for. Upon close acquaintance, it turned out that everything is not so simple here.

Well, it's like riding a Zaporozhets. Simple, primitive. But the speed is low. And I want to gazanut, learn the unknown. And put the blonde next. That drew attention to the FLProg. Site page. flprog.ru

First, "felt", "sniffed" a new "skin" of the "cool" car. Many do not understand. But the friendly team of the forum supported me. And here came the excitement. Yes, the whole code is “visualized”, but not who does not cancel knowledge in logic, in knowledge of the operation of sensors.

As it turned out, the whole project “pulls” on itself one person Sergey Glushenko. Yes, to the best of power, the community of the Flopses, (this term was first used by me, with the kind consent of the creator of the project), helped me.

But a lot of incomprehensible. As a fast-moving army, it does not have time to pull up carts. Similarly, the program, which has great potential and capabilities, did not have a complete description of all functions. Description of the interface, commands, blocks. All this information had to look for yourself. Yes there are a lot of video lessons. There is support for the forum.

But. The book is the greatest of all the inventions of mankind. This is where another experience gained in life came in handy. Somewhere between waiting for work (installation of power supply for Auchan shopping center), time appeared. So I remembered that I wrote erotic poems at school.
Well, I tried to write a book about the program FLProg.

I started small, created a description of the program interface . Yes, of course I am not Leo Tolstoy. But damn it. Why not. By the way, before my nickname was "Fat Boss." After the injury, dropping 15 kilograms, I now modestly call myself “bocc220v” (220 is certainly not my weight).

After the support of the forum, continued the "writing". The next book allowed to perform primitive commands and functions in the program.

But, we must move on. It is necessary to catch up with the “army” of experienced users of the program, I am just one of the “drivers” who covers the “rear” of the Flopses.

In this article, I do not describe the program itself. I describe my subjective perception of this program. I am only one of many, now, just become a "fanatic" of this program. With all its flaws and advantages.

Limping, and walking with a wand, I still did not give up my idea to create a "smart house" in a detached cottage. The logical continuation was the creation of a new book.

FLProg. The initial level . The book provides an opportunity to explore more than half of all the features of the program.

And this is just the beginning. The idea to manage a greenhouse, to grow plump chickens and "protected" from annoying neighbors, remains in force. Soon, there will be new books and new ideas.

Regards, your boss220v.
And yes, I already walk without a “wand”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401507/

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