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February 23: about weapons

The weapon industry is conservative. At the same time, ultramodern high-tech developments like the electric gun and Kalashnikov assault rifles coexist in it, the mechanisms of which have changed little since 1947, when it was developed.

On February 23, I propose to talk about modern firearms and knives, which are used by Russian power units.


The old, proven for decades weapons do not want to give way to new developments. Let's take the Makarov pistol. It was almost the same age as a Kalashnikov assault rifle: the assault rifle was put into service in 1949, and just two years later, the PM began to be used by the army and the police in the USSR. The 9-mm Makarov pistol replaced the outdated 7.62 mm TT, winning models from many Soviet and foreign designers, including Walther, Beretta and Mauser.

Designers do not stand still and offer new designs. In 2015, the Kalashnikov concern presented the 9-mm Lebedev Pistol, PL-14. For the concern, it was a new type of weapon, and its development was entrusted to a designer with thirty years of experience - Dmitry Lebedev. The magazine capacity of the new pistol is 15 rounds, the weight with a full magazine is 990 grams, the fuse is installed on both sides to ensure the ability to shoot with any hand. Or two, for shooting "in Macedonian." It is also interesting that the design involves firing even defective cartridges and cartridges with non-standard sleeve length. Picatinny Plank is needed to install additional equipment such as a flashlight or laser pointer.

Alexander Yampolsky , master of sports in officer all-rounds, commented on the combat qualities of the Lebedev pistol: “You need to get used to such a pistol as the PM in numerous shooting. He does not immediately fall into the hand, is naughty and loves only one owner. I recently tried the Swan dash - it feels like I’ve shot at it for several months. ”



Pecheneg-SP is a heavier weapon . The inner surface of the box for the ribbon of this 7.62 mm machine gun was coated with plastic to reduce the clank movement. This will allow to sneak up on the enemy unnoticed and land a queue of two hundred shots with continuous fire. Also quiet fighting contributes to the device low-noise shooting.

On the tests of the modernized version of Pecheneg, the shooter knocked a 400-meter dummy out of it and broke through a brick wall.



By the way, the 7.62-mm Kalashnikov machine gun was taken as the basis for the Pechenega design. This allowed in 1999 to quickly expand its production.


It would seem that the more powerful the weapon, the better it is. I somehow did not think about the fact that machine guns, machine guns and pistols specifically make them less powerful than their counterparts. In urban conditions or in operations related to the rescue of hostages, the main thing is to hit the enemy's living force, but not pierce the walls so as not to harm civilians. “We need a highly mobile melee weapon capable of providing a high density of fire when operating in the city and storming buildings, without endangering those outside the walls. The queue of PKM or Pechenega can perforate interroom ceilings in the panel house, ” says Maxim Popenker, a small arms expert.

If the 12.7-mm “Kord” with 250 meters pierces a brick wall and can cope with the armor of the BTR-60 with a thickness of 10 millimeters, then the “Cord-5.45” should not allow itself to do so.

The development of this model was ordered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for fighting in urban environments. The Korda-5.45 will have a fire rate of up to 900 rounds per minute, AK-74 shops and a machine gun belt will approach it.

The original model of the machine gun "Kord" has a tape feed for a 12.7 mm cartridge and strikes the enemy's manpower at a distance of up to two kilometers and aerial targets at slant distances of up to one and a half kilometers. The machine gun weighs a little more than thirty kilograms, along with the ribbon, so that you can shoot it from your hands.

Author: Vitaly V. Kuzmin - Vitalykuzmin.net, CC BY-SA 4.0

Weapons need not only the police and the military, but also astronauts. This is not about a laser gun, but about weapons for survival in the event of an emergency landing. From the time of Yuri Gagarin’s flight and up to 1986, a Makarov pistol was sent into space as part of a portable emergency reserve.

“All that could have been done with the help of Makarov was to shoot himself,” said Alexei Leonov about the emergency landing of the Voskhod-2 apparatus in the taiga in 1965. A Soviet cosmonaut who survived the first spacewalk could die in the taiga with his colleague Pavel Belyaev. PM against bears is not the best option.

In 1979, Alexei Leonov turned to the masters in Tula with a request to create a multifunctional weapon. After that, a prototype of a three-barrel pistol TP-82 was sent to Star City. The pistol received two smooth 32 caliber barrels (12.5x70) and a rifled barrel 5.45x40. Among the developed types of ammunition were shot, signal and bullet. Included was a butt-machete for deforestation cubic meters.

The astronauts, fortunately, never used this pistol for the main purpose after the landings, and in 2006 the ammunition for it ran out of warranty. Since then, TP-82 is not taken into space. Instead, astronauts vote “for” or “against” a Makarov pistol on board.




In the case of an orbital triple-barrel pistol having a butt in the form of a machete, edged weapons are necessary not so much for battle as for survival. Knives, which are used by the military, must be military weapons and tools.

Knife "Lynx" produced in Zlatoust. According to legend, it is issued to employees of the Moscow Special Rapid Response Team (SWAT) "Lynx". The blade length is 170 millimeters, it has a one-and-a-half sharpening and a small guard.



By order of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Punisher knives were developed and are being manufactured. Modifications of knives of this series are characterized by the presence and location of a partial serrated (toothed) sharpening. The length of the blade is 160 millimeters.


The same length of the blade from another knife designed for the FSB - "Antiterror".
The notch in the root of the blade does not have a sharpening - it is necessary for the grip of a knife with the removal of the index finger on the blade itself.


Knife Vityaz-NSN made by order of the first commander of the special forces unit "Vityaz". The 180 mm spear-shaped blade has a one-and-a-half sharpening, especially effective for piercing blows.


"Vzryvotekhnik" - a knife for the sapper units of the FSB. It is simultaneously a combat knife, a survival knife and an engineering tool. The blade has a double sharpening, one - the usual, the second - serrayternuyu. Serreytor sharpening allows you to use the knife as a stroporeza.


Armies of different countries use drones for reconnaissance and fire support. The development of robotics allows you to create a variety of machines to suppress the firepower of the enemy, and artificial intelligence in theory can control them. Ilon Musk, who does not hide his fears on the topic of artificial intelligence, founded the non-profit organization OpenAI to explore the most advanced and potentially dangerous forms of AI.

We grew up on films like “Terminator”, but it's already 2017 in the yard, and neither cyborgs in the understanding of science fiction of the 20th century, nor the huge fighting humanoid robots, nor the laser guns. Anti-terrorist operations are performed by people using the above-mentioned weapons. And over the next few decades, little will change.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401463/

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