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Regular "event" domains

Not so long ago, I already wrote about the mass registration of domains associated with the hurricane Gustav. And that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are registered either for the purpose of a profitable sale, or for hosting fraudulent sites to collect "donations to the victims of the elements."

Well, at the beginning of this week, the domainers were attracted by another event, namely, the crisis in the world market. Perhaps the most significant event was the beginning of the bankruptcy procedure of Lehman Brothers and the sale at literally half price for Meryll Lynch. Both of these companies are large and until recently quite successful banks. To date, several domains have already been registered related to these events. And at least one of them (Lehmanbankruptcy.com - Lehman bankruptcy) is for sale on eBay. Starting price - 4995, and the minimum step - $ 250. There are no rates today. But it is understandable. Who needs such a domain? Unless, former competitors - "postebatsya" over the defeated opponent. However, sooner or later there will surely be people who will figure out how to extract profit from it.

In general, the "business model" of homegrown domain managers is quite simple. They track news, select significant events (the tragedies are best: the war in Georgia, the crash of the aircraft in Perm, etc.) and register the domains associated with them. Well, and then sell them at exorbitant prices. And although in RuNet such activity was not widely developed, in Western countries it is not uncommon.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40144/

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