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Vapers - to be: a long-term study showed that electronic cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes

Smoking electronic cigarettes is a much safer habit than regular pipe smoking or cigarettes.

The results of a study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine show that electronic cigarettes cause less harm to human health than regular ones. Scientists, after studying the state of the body of volunteers, found that in the blood of smokers of electronic cigarettes, using these devices as a replacement for the usual, for half a year less toxic and carcinogenic compounds accumulate than in smokers who smoke regular cigarettes with tobacco.

At the first stage of the study, scientists analyzed the composition of saliva and urine of “professional” smokers, both electronic and regular cigarettes. In the future, experts compared the composition of these liquids, based on several key chemical compounds.

The study involved five groups of volunteers. 1 group - smokers who smoke for a long time. Group 2 - ex-smokers who have not smoked for about 6 months. Group 3 - smokers or users of NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) who smoke electronic cigarettes but do not smoke regular cigarettes. 4th and 5th group - smokers who smoke and regular cigarettes, and electronic, plus smokers who use NRT.
Nicotine replacement therapy - ways to deliver nicotine into the body without using tobacco. It is used to reduce withdrawal symptoms (or withdrawal symptoms) caused by quitting or chewing tobacco.

As it turned out , the blood of former smokers who smoked regular cigarettes for several years, and then switched to electronic cigarettes or nicotine replacement therapy, significantly less carcinogens and toxins than in the blood of smokers who have not given up the usual cigarettes. These are substances such as acrolein, acrylamide, 1,3-butadiene and ethylene oxide. At the same time, research participants who used e-cigarettes and nicotine-replacement therapy and continued to smoke regular cigarettes did not show any differences from smokers - the level of toxins and carcinogens in their blood remained about the same as before the use of cigarette analogs.

The head of the research, Lion Shahab, stated the following: “Our research confirms the view that electronic cigarettes and NRT are much safer than smoking. Presumably, long-term use of cigarette replacements is not too dangerous for humans. ”

“We have already shown that the level of toxic chemical compounds in the body of smokers of electronic cigarettes is significantly lower than previously thought. This means that doubts about the safety of e-cigarettes are in vain, ”says Shahab. The scientist also said that the amount of nicotine that enters the body of vapers is significantly lower than the nicotine produced by smokers of traditional cigarettes. The authors of the study believe that electronic cigarettes and NRT may be an outlet for people who want to quit smoking.

Alison Cox (Alison Cox), the head of the British organization Cancer Research says that about a third of the deaths of cigarette smokers with tobacco are caused by cancer. To reduce the mortality of smokers can be in the case, if you convince them to gradually switch to alternatives such as electronic cigarettes or NRT, or quit smoking.

Electronic cigarettes can also be dangerous. Only not because during their smoking harmful substances that violate the metabolism enter the human body. And because in some cases the battery of such devices explodes. Especially often this happens when using inexpensive devices or when customizing electronic cigarettes. In the vaper environment, this method is often used to improve the efficiency of the device, as a result of which more steam can be obtained.

However, for such work it is necessary to have experience and knowledge in electrical engineering and electronics. If you do something without a special understanding of the process, anything can happen. It is not uncommon for an explosion of an electronic cigarette in a smoker’s hand or mouth to have extremely dangerous consequences. This, for example, injury or even death. So, in 2016, a Muscovite was seriously injured after the explosion of an electronic cigarette. Vape battery exploded right in the pants pocket. The result - a fourth degree burn and thigh stitched by the apparatus fragments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401421/

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