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As we found out what scientific developments are of interest to the masses. Well, or at least the journalists ...

Hi, Giktayms! In the new year, we decided to launch a new project to popularize Russian science. We suddenly became curious, what scientific developments are getting the most good press from us? And we decided to track the most media publications of Russian universities monthly.

The criterion decided to take the most simple and verifiable - the number of reprints. Because all sorts of Media Indices are, of course, good, but how they are considered is absolutely incomprehensible. And so - everything is fair: how many times your note was borrowed, so many points to you.

The number of reprints was determined using the “Medialogia”, they are most comfortable - even if a split occurred and the same development was displayed in several plots - they can be merged together manually.
We took only Russian developments, to the British scientists our categorical "no", only if in a co-authorship they get through. Moreover, we did not take into account the development of RAS institutes; we limited ourselves to university science. Everything is simpler here - our limit in Medialogia is not rubber and we will not be able to pull out the entire monthly press in the “Science” section. But, as it seems to us, this is not fatal - in order to understand which developments are becoming media-based, university science will be enough, especially considering that university press services work much more actively than scientific research institutes, they usually just missing as a class.

Another caveat - in the rating we did not include a variety of monitoring, measurements of the minimum subsistence level, etc. studies performed with a known frequency. Only original designs, only hardcore!

Here's what we got in the first month of the year:

Media dozen January: Pension uber alles


Let us drop Raphael into the Sea of ​​Plenty, mysterious mushrooms of Tver, young sleepy perfectionists, sick vaper rats - all this and much more in the charts of the most media scientific developments of Russian universities.

10. “About a favorite moon tractor ...”

Toward mid-January, people were so tired of weekends, salads, and television that they were ready to cry out: “Maybe it's better about the reactor, about your favorite lunar tractor?” And the coming exploration of the lunar expanses really became one of the most popular themes of January. At the end of the month, a presentation of the Cosmic Gazprom project was held at NITU "MISIS". Scientists of NITU "MISiS", Tomsk State University and Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR) presented joint developments for the future colonization of the Earth satellite. Journalists were especially interested in a plasma unit for producing an analogue of the lunar soil in terrestrial conditions and a robot created to extract water from the lunar regolith.
10th place, 84 publications

9. At forty, the robot is going ...

The theme of useful Tomsk robots was continued by a tracked robotic platform developed by scientists of the Tomsk State University for rescue operations. The robot nurse is able to evacuate people at speeds up to 40 km / h and collect dangerous objects weighing more than 100 kg. The creators of the Tomsk robot are planning to launch an industrial design in March 2017, and later equip the platform with an automatic resuscitation control device, which they have already developed at the TSU on the request of the Emergencies Ministry.
9th place, 86 publications

8. Tutankhamen, Apollo and other lunatics
The topic of using the moon in the national economy was brilliantly continued by scientists of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In their report “The Moon as an ideal repository of cultural treasures,” they propose to build special repositories on the Earth’s satellite and protect cultural heritage sites from terrorism, fires, bacteria and tsunamis. There is nothing of this, as we know, on the Moon, therefore, according to the authors of the report, it is “an ideal place for use as a giant museum and at the same time a safe.” The ability to deprive all earthlings of works of art raised the work of the authors in the TOP-SCIENCE rating to eighth place.
8th place, 87 publications

7. Geography is not joy
At the seventh position of the charts is a joint development of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), which is devoted to the problem of aging. In this study, for the first time, the threshold of old age was calculated for different regions of Russia, and, as it turned out, the gap was often huge. Life expectancy in Ingushetia, Moscow or Dagestan is at the level of prosperous countries of Western Europe - 73-76 years, while in Tuva or Chukotka, indicators like in African countries are less than 60 years. Still a huge problem remains the gap between male and female mortality. For example, in the Murmansk and Ivanovo regions, 70-year-old women are three times more than men.
7th place, 90 publications

6. When Khryusha and Stepashka are powerless

In the sixth place of the charts is the Higher School of Economics with a current study on the relationship between perfectionism and insomnia. As HSE researchers have established in collaboration with British (yes!) Scientists from Northumbria and Oxford University, perfectionists do not sleep well. And one of the main factors of insomnia is increased anxiety. The findings are based on the testing of 78 volunteers aged 18 to 27 years. And although the results of researchers can hardly be called shocking and even unexpected, another fact is immensely surprising: where did scientists manage to catch so many 20-year-old perfectionists?
6th place, 98 publications

5. Cage for life

Biologists of the Novosibirsk State University and the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS have created a cell model of Huntington's disease. This disease is today considered incurable and unexplored. Its first symptoms (nervous tics, uncontrolled movements, etc.) appear in 35-45 years, then the disease progresses for 15-20 years, after which it leads to the disintegration of the personality, and then death. In order to develop an effective method of treatment, it is necessary first to thoroughly study all molecular processes occurring during neurodegeneration, which is what the Siberian doctors have focused their efforts on.

Perhaps, in passing, scientists will be able to find out something about a dozen other little-studied diseases that have the same cause (lengthening of the polyglutamine tract in any protein). Apparently, this is why such serious scientific work aroused the interest of journalists and readers and rose to the 5th place in TOP-SCIENCE.
5th place, 106 publications

4. Rat smoke breaks

The experiment on the influence of "electronic cigarettes" on the lungs, conducted by students of the Medical Academy of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, caused a serious stir in the media: it turned out that such "smoking" is also harmful. For 60 days, scientists gave 36 experimental rats a daily 4-minute “smoke break,” spraying 0.005 ml of non-nicotine vape liquid in the seed chamber. According to the researchers, inflammations in the bronchi, fluid in the lungs and edema of the interalveolar septa were detected in viper rats. In addition, on the 7th day in the rats of the experimental group showed respiratory failure. On average, compared with the control group, the experimental rats were 34% worse.
4th place, 109 publications

3. New. Unknown. Inedible.
Biologists of the Moscow State University Lomonosov as part of an international research team during the expedition found and described a new type of mushroom called Entoloma kruticianum. The discovery article was published in Persoonia magazine. It seems to be a scientific sensation does not pull, new types of mushrooms open quite often. That's just the expedition took place ... in the Tver region. As one of the discoverers of the new inedible mushroom noted, the leading engineer of the Department of Mycology and Algology of the Faculty of Biology of the Moscow State University, Maxim Dyakov, “the mushrooms still remain mysterious and not well studied group of organisms. Even in relatively well-studied places, new species for science continue to hide. ” A new species, opened a couple of hours from Moscow, brought the bronze to the country's main university.
3rd place, 110 publications

2. Where to go to study?

Silver in Top-Science in January was received by the Higher School of Economics, which for the second month in a row is in the top three of the rating. Experts from the Higher School of Economics Institute of Education investigated the “geographical accessibility” of higher education in the country, ranking all regions of Russia according to three parameters. The first indicator was the ratio of the number of places in universities in the region to the number of people aged 17 to 25 years, the second - financial affordability (cost of education, spending on housing, living expenses, etc.), the third - the territorial availability of universities. It was a surprise that Moscow won only in the third category, St. Petersburg demonstrated the optimal financial accessibility of higher education, and the availability of places in higher educational institutions - the Kursk Region. There, this figure reaches 49.6%, that is, almost half of the young Kuryans have already prepared training places in universities in the region.
2 place, 199 publications

1. "How much money do you need for happiness?"

The “gold” of the January TOP-SCIENCE science and media hit parade was deservedly received by researchers of the Russian State Social University (RGSU). They pestered Russians with the immortal question of Ostap Bender: “Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need for happiness? Just count all. ” More precisely, sociologists were interested in the optimal, in the opinion of the respondents, the size of the pension. It must be said, the result slightly exceeded the balaganovsky six thousand four hundred rubles. 36.5% of Russians will be happy to receive a pension of 20-30 thousand rubles, about a third more (28.1%) agree to even 15-20 thousand rubles. Modesty requests resulted in a shaft of publications, headlines like "This is life at the level of Africa", as well as a new record - 706 reprints in the first day.
1st place, 722 publications

In addition, in January, Russian university scientists developed a replacement for platinum, searched for a crater from the Tunguska meteorite, opened 40 asteroids in 24 hours, created an emotional robot named Gagarin, argued that white nights lead to obesity, and dealt with many equally important and interesting problems. February should become even more intense, TOP-SCIENCE will tell about its records in early March.

A couple of words about the results. In principle, everything turned out predictable. At the very bottom of the pyramid of sensations, technical sciences are jostling, with their incomprehensible witchcraft, about which no matter how you tell them, the public is still yawning (9th and 10th places). Then, much more interesting beginner developments in the field of vital health (7, 6, 5 and 4 places) begin, the top of the food chain was social problems concerning everyone - education (2 nd place) and pension provision (1 nd place).

Several stand apart 8 and 3 place. These two developments are classified as "scientific curiosities." But if at MSU it is just a cute gag - “A new type of mushrooms in the Tver region has been dug up, count it, shhhhh!”, Then the report of the MEPI-Schnick is too much like a deliberate epatizing, done according to the principle “ ". In general, the long-list of the Nobel Prize is dedicated.

And finally - two things that we have no explanation. The first is a very high place of Novosibirsk people with their Huntington's disease. Usually, such a “high science” never gets into the top ten, and here - 5th place. And the second is a completely inexplicable separation of the first place. Pensions have as many reprints as all the rest of the hit parade combined. Why - we have no answer. We would love to hear your versions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401417/

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