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Corporate information storage system (knowledge base)

I think in every company there is a need to store various documentation somewhere. The simplest example is work regulations in different departments, document templates, quality standards, etc. So, a couple of years ago, I had to introduce such a system primarily for my own needs, and then the others took it up. It is clear that this is a wiki system. For only such systems can easily store such information and provide excellent opportunities for joint work on it. Then I chose the MediaWiki engine. This is such a rather ascetic system, on which various plugins can be bolted, but still it can be compared with Linux. Over time, it became clear that for ordinary people this system is difficult, it is difficult to control the structure of documents, it is difficult to work with access rights to documents.

Recently, I thought that I needed a “windows like” system with a beautiful and clear interface, the simplest necessary features in the form of normal structuring of a hierarchy of documents and restricting access rights to them (both to the documents themselves and to the downloaded files). I also wanted to be able to index not only web content, but also file content (for example, all downloaded doc or pdf files).

Considering that I am actively working with the Jira task tracking system, I have long known that manufacturers have another interesting solution that implements various functionalities of both the wiki-like system (for the knowledge base) and the corporate portal (user interaction, access to company resources, etc.). This solution is called Confluence .
In Confluence everything is based on spaces, such thematic places. The space can be either the name of a department of the company, or the name of the sphere of corporate activity, for example, quality standards, accounting information.

Briefly about the benefits:
1. It is convenient and simple enough to arrange the text information in the form of a separate document, which in turn is part of the "space".

2. Spaces are common and personal. Generally accessible to all or to anyone except you, the documents in them may have different viewing rights. Personal spaces are available at the address host / display / ~ admin , where the admin location is written to the user's login. They may also be available or unavailable to all.

3. A large set of plug-ins.

4. In addition to creating pages as text, you can make pages with documents attached to them. In this case, the page simply links to the document. If one document is uploaded several times, then full versioning is saved, i.e. You can view previous versions (documents may be private, that is, also with limited access rights).

5. There is a workflow plug-in, when you can organize updates for both text documents and files.

6. The search system for confluence is built in such a way that it searches not only for text content of pages, but also for content of downloaded documents (tested on Word and Excel). And the results are shown taking into account the rights to the documents. If there is no right, then it will not find anything.

7. Installed quite powerful, as I understand it, the plug-in confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONFEXT/Chart+Plugin for charting.

8. There is an interesting plugin that allows you to manage system content from Microsoft office (http://www.atlassian.com/office/). I installed it, but so far I could not achieve normal work in FF, it works perfectly only in IE.

PS I will make a reservation, Confluence - the system is paid. But it seems to me that for the system that I set up and began to directly go about my business (without any tuning and programming) the price is low.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40141/

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