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Startups are taking advantage of the stock crisis

In the financial area, a series of bankruptcies and massive layoffs are planned, but the IT industry can benefit from it. The main thing - to approach the matter correctly. For example, now is the best time for recruitment, which would never have come to you during full economic well-being. Russians, who worked there in the financial sector, are returning from New York and London. In addition, similar mass layoffs are planned in Russia itself. The flow of unemployed high-class specialists is growing, which the IT sector can not but rejoice.

“Throw Wall Street, go to a startup” - a site with such an optimistic name was launched by crete guys from the venture fund First Round Capital. The site contains a list of open vacancies in interesting startups whose investors are the fund.

Who can be lured in the wake of the crisis? First of all, high-class economists and mathematicians. In addition, among independent traders there are a lot of qualified programmers and software developers who had previously hoped to ensure their livelihood by trading on the stock exchange, but now they certainly doubt this idea. A lot of cool professionals are engaged in the development of specialized exchange software, including software for trading, data analysis, risk management. Most of them can work perfectly in other areas, such as SEO, SMO, semantic analysis, etc.

By the way, even the Vedomosti newspaper writes on the same topic in the article “The benefits of the crisis” :
The picture of the mass layoffs of American investment bankers unwittingly awakens the Russian events of 1998, when financial analysts, employees of back offices, public relations specialists and other employees not involved in the production of the main product were out of work. Thanks to that crisis, for example, several prominent names appeared in journalism: the former financiers managed to successfully realize themselves in a new profession.

Financiers, like 10 years ago, attend the thoughts of temporarily retiring from business - for example, to do yoga or continue their education abroad.

Can the current financial crisis change the labor market in the same way as it did after August 1998? At that time, the transformation was global: the shock from the devaluation of the ruble lasted for about half a year. At this time, the country had the highest unemployment rate in history - 13.2%. But then it began to decline rapidly: domestic producers, who gained an advantage over imports thanks to a cheap ruble, began to actively increase their turnover. Sharply increased demand for staff.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40138/

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