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Welcome to Alcatraz: one of the largest objects of distributed energy of the USA

Watchtowers, prison cells and ... solar panels? Welcome to the Rock.

Every year more than 1.5 million people visit Alcatraz Island to visit its legendary prison. But most people do not realize that this 22 acre plot (about 9 hectares), located in the center of San Francisco Bay, is also one of the largest microgrids in the country.
Micronet / microgrid / micrigrid
The technical translator's guide, academic.ru, indicates that this is an element of decentralized energy aimed at generating electricity near the place (or in the place itself) of its consumption.

The island is equipped with a hybrid solar-diesel power system, which visitors most likely will not notice. A group of solar batteries with an installed capacity of 305 kW is located in the upper part of the main prison building and is hidden from the eyes of visitors so as not to spoil the historical appearance of the prison. Solar panels are connected to the battery and inverters, which supply the island with electricity in parallel with diesel generators.


This project, which cost $ 1.7 million and was financed by the National Recovery Act (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ARRA ) in 2012, reduced diesel consumption on the island by 45%. Each year, this hybrid system saves more than 25,000 gallons (about 95,000 liters) of fuel and proves the possibility of integrating renewable energy facilities without sacrificing the historical appearance of historic sites.

Alcatraz. View from the sea
Many visitors do not even know about the solar power plant on the Rock.

Alcatraz's energy problems

Alcatraz's electrical supply has always been a problem. And this is one of the main reasons for the closure of the prison in 1963 after 29 years of operation - the island is completely cut off from the mainland and / for security reasons / does not have access to external power lines. As a result, the US National Park Service was forced to transport more than 2,000 gallons (about 7,500 liters) of diesel fuel to the generators each week, which resulted in high maintenance costs. Also powered by diesel generators poses a threat to pollution of the San Francisco Bay. In 2008, it was estimated that Alcatraz generates almost half of greenhouse gas emissions (more than 632 metric tons of carbon dioxide) of the entire Golden Gate National Recreation Area .

How Algatras Microgrid Works

The main components of Alcatraz’s electrogenerating microgrid are:

- 959 solar modules with a total power of 305 kW
- 8 inverters, each with a power of 100 kW
- 480 batteries combined into a battery capable of storing 1,920 kWh of energy
- 2 diesel generators
- 1 system controller to coordinate generating devices

Inverters convert direct current from solar panels into alternating current suitable for use in the island’s energy infrastructure. Other inverters (charging and discharging controllers - approx. Translator) charge batteries. When the sun is not enough to power the island, the system is powered by a battery. When the battery is discharged, the diesel generators are automatically turned on, which simultaneously supply Alcatraz with electric power and charge the battery. They work until it is sunny enough again. The system controller ensures that the main source of energy, if possible, is from solar panels and batteries, and after that diesel engines are switched on. Since 2012, fuel consumption has decreased by about half, compared with the time when there was no hybrid system.

Alcatraz Rechargeable Battery
Alcatraz Rechargeable Battery

Microgrid optimization

After 2 years of work, a report by the Department of Energy (Federal Energy Management Program) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( NREL ) showed that 45% of the electricity produced on the island comes from solar generation. This is 15% less than the project figure. The data show that diesel generators, charging the battery to the maximum, "squeeze" the charge from the sun, thereby increasing the rate of utilization of solar energy from photovoltaic panels. The National Park Service is working on adjusting the set values ​​of the system controller, which should lead to an increase in system efficiency. Funds are also being sought for the purchase of a new controller that can provide a more complex optimization process, as well as advanced features such as forecasting and demand management. This could increase the efficiency of using solar panels by 5%, save 15,000 gallons (about 57,000 liters) of diesel fuel per year, and extend battery life by 33%.

The federal energy management program plays an important role in reducing electricity consumption and using renewable energy sources in the state apparatus, as it has more than 350,000 energy-using buildings and structures and 600,000 vehicles, and the federal government is the largest energy consumer in the country.

From the translator:
Ferry to Alcatraz

By the way, the ferry that brings visitors to Alcatraz Island also uses renewable energy - from solar panels and wind turbines.

A source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401361/

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