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Freelance platform for collaboration of engineers with a fundamentally different work philosophy

Hello! I present the concept of freelance platform for collaboration of engineers. The site’s work philosophy differs significantly from traditional freelancing services - here one project is carried out simultaneously by a large number of specialists and they have all the tools for working together: from chats to code version control systems. At the site, with the technical feasibility, the full production cycle will be implemented: from design to manufacture of the device and its implementation. The project has a great social potential: students of technical colleges will be able to learn from experienced engineers and practice developing real projects, and there will be another opportunity for small business development in the production of printed circuit boards, enclosures and other products.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the site is shown in the diagram, for an example, an actual task for me is taken: it is necessary to design and manufacture a mechanical shutter that will close and open when an event occurs (current appears in the network, temperature changes).

Technical details

Work on the order can be carried out manually and with an assistant. In the manual mode, the customer himself creates the stages of work on the project, writes the terms of reference for them, selects experts, controls their work. When working with an assistant, an experienced engineer is assigned to the order, who either completely himself or in conjunction with the customer performs this work.
The entire order is divided into development steps, the steps can be carried out simultaneously. In each step, if necessary, its head is appointed, who organizes the work of specialists in this area. Experts of each of the steps interact with each other.

Who needs a project

The project will be in demand, within its framework a wide range of tasks can be realized: from the development of simple devices, for example the shutter described above to the development of large devices and systems. The first project is to advertise in technical universities and specialized forums, it is effective and not expensive, as well as to bring to the search engines for keywords.

Launch of the project

A domain is registered for the project and at the moment I am looking for a return investment with a large percentage of collateral, I will be grateful for the search advice, I placed it on the main sites.

What do you think can be improved and changed in this project?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401329/

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