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The best short animation films about technology in the history of Oscar

Already on February 26, the owners of the prestigious Oscar film award in 24 nominations will be announced. But if the full-length nominations and their laureates are known to us firsthand, the winners of the short film nominations against their background remain in the shadows. And in vain. A short meter is a special wonderful genre, which allows pretty quickly, in an instant, to give free rein to their fantasies and imagination. To convey the plot and thought in a short period of time is a special talent that deserves respect and admiration. For all the years, pictures on completely different topics fall into these nominations. Among them, one can find “eternal themes” (good and evil), and absolutely geeks and very beloved ones (development of technologies, unusual inventions, the society of the future, life on other planets and the secrets of the Universe). Therefore, we have collected for you in one post the best animated short films about technologies presented at the Oscar for the past 16 years.

Pearl (2017)

“Pearl” is the first VR film in the history of the award, intended for viewing in a virtual reality helmet from a phone or computer. Camera control is controlled by turning the device or mouse. The viewer becomes a passenger in the car and observes the life of the father and the maturing of his daughter. They travel around the country in pursuit of a dream. The film is part of Google Spotlight Stories - a gallery of 360-degree films.

Map of the story "Pearls". A source

" We can not live without space " (2016)

Pleasant news appeared at the beginning of 2016 - the Russian animated short film “We Can't Live Without Space” got into the short list of the Oscar, and then into the list of finalists. The cartoon did not win the statuette, but remained in the hearts of viewers around the world. There is nothing beyond innovation in it - simple panache, smooth narration, non-trivial plot and lack of pathos dialogues (there are no dialogs at all). The themes of friendship, dreams, aspirations, accomplishments, and, of course, space, fit into the short meter. It is because of its simplicity that you want to revise it again and again.

“ World of the Future ” (2016)

“The World of the Future” is a technological oasis of lonely people.

An interesting discussion about the technologies of the future and loneliness is offered by the cartoon “The World of the Future”. A little girl Emily comes to her clone from a distant future. He tells her about what her life will be after several generations. Scientific and technical progress will reach incredible heights, clones created from clones will be populated in the world of the future. But despite all the technical advances, mankind is hopelessly dying out and alone as never before.

" Mr. Illuminator " (2013)

"Mister Illuminator" is the cutest misanthropist of the mechanized world.

The triumphant 2013 Oscar winner will tell about Mr. Illuminator, who lives in a small apartment on the top floor of a house in an absurd mechanized world. In this world, people fly through the air, but he wears big round glasses and lives quietly in his apartment, overflowing with books and paintings. At nights, he often clicks the toggle switch, switching lights. And during the day locks the apartment on numerous locks and bolts, growing mechanical flowers on the balcony. But his life will change a lot when he starts watching a small stray mechanical puppy living in a cardboard box near the dumpster.

The Moon (2012)

"Moon" will tell about the most unusual family business in the world.

A little boy finds himself in unbelievable circumstances - dad and grandfather take him to work with him. But at this moment something goes wrong, and the boy realizes that his family is engaged in changing the phases of the moon. So for the boy opens the incredible adult world, full of wonders and interesting discoveries.

" Morning Walk " (2012)

The chicken comes out from behind the corner - the plot of the arthouse short film.

The plot unfolds at once in three time intervals. A man walks down the street in New York and notices a chicken coming out from around the corner. The situation is very strange, but it can be more strange if you look at it after a while. What will be the end of the morning walk and the meeting of a man with a bird, if they occur in 1959, 2009 and 2059? This art house will tell about the changes in the world and make changes in the animated film.

" Let's pollute " (2011)

“Let's pollute” is a visual aid of many brutal examples of the destruction of an entire planet.

A satirical cartoon tells about how a person polluted before and now pollutes the environment. And he will explain how to do it right! Viewers will receive useful recommendations: ignore the separate garbage disposal, use a huge amount of packaging bags, immediately throw things at the slightest breakage ... Everything will start from the moment when the first Spanish conquerors land on the American continent, then the audience will see the creation of steam engines and the car and the first flights into space .

" Loss " (2011)

“Loss” is a fantastic octopus crab tank and the place where it lives.

The winner of the award will tell about the "post-apocalyptic" Melbourne. In it lives a boy named Sean, and he will meet the strangest creature in his life that only he sees: a cross between a huge cistern, an octopus and a crab. Sean calls the creature a lost thing and tries to find the place where this thing lives. "Loss" gives the boy clues and leads him to a surrealistic world inhabited by such strange objects.

" Abduction " (2007)

Funny alien alien Stu show what happens when you open tickets only in the morning before the exam.

Even aliens sometimes have to pass exams. Stu takes an abduction exam. He must pull the sleeping farmer straight out of bed under the close supervision of an experienced instructor, Mr. Bee. Before Stu lies a huge console with hundreds of buttons and switches that control the lifting beam, which will deliver the object to the flying saucer. But the careless student is very clumsy with him, so the poor farmer gets it over and over again: Stu misses the window, and the sleeping man crashes into the walls, floor and ceiling. Fortunately for the kidnappers, the sleep of the hard worker is strong.

" Man-Orchestra " (2006)

The most favorite viewers sketching Pixar. A street musician with a wonderful instrument plays in the deserted square of an Italian town. But to make money on this does not work: passers-by do not throw him money. Then a little girl is involved in the matter who is ready to give her coin to the human orchestra. But at the other end of the square another musician appears. And here begins the struggle for a coin ...

" Nine " (2006)

The cartoon was the result of four years of work, which its creator Shane Ecker did on his home computer in his free time. In a parallel universe, there is a post-apocalyptic world, destroyed and deserted. It is inhabited by "living" rag dolls that are trying to survive by engaging in battle with intelligent mechanical robots, animals. With the help of a mysterious artifact, they hunt for dolls and kidnap their "souls". The doll at number nine (the main character) kills one of the opponents and gets an artifact in his hands. The short cartoon served as the basis for the full-length animated film "Nine."

“ Chubbchubs! "(2003)

“Chubbchabbs!” - fear has big eyes.

Winner of the 2003 Oscar. Funny alien Miper works as a simple cleaner in a bar and dreams of singing karaoke. But suddenly he is fired. In sorrow, he wanders down the street and meets key characters. And if it's foggy and without strong plot spoilers, then in this cartoon Master Yoda and Darth Vader "fight" right in the bar. And the story unfolds in one of the cities of the Star Wars universe.

" Strange Aliens " (2002)

"Strange Aliens" - the story of almost Clark Kent, only if he destroyed everything.

The usual family life of Roger and Doris changed after a strange event: one night a baby from space falls from the sky right into their living room. The couple is delighted, but not their dog. Gradually, the child's behavior is becoming more dangerous. The baby brings only misfortune to its new parents. But Roger very soon realizes the true nature of things.

"The Old Man and the Sea " (2000)

"The old man and the sea" - beauty and perfection have no limits.

"The Old Man and the Sea" by Russian director Alexander Petrov is the proud winner of the 2000 Oscars. The magical beauty of the cartoon based on Ernest Hemingway's story is drawn using the “revived painting” technology. The drawing is created on the glass with oil paints with the help of not only hands, but also hands. But what does the “Old Man and the Sea” do on our list? First, it became the first ever animated film for IMAX large-format movie theaters. And secondly, the framework is alien to art. And this list is proof of that.

We hope that this selection has amused you somewhere, inspired, made you feel sad somewhere. But the main thing - you probably wanted to see (or have already watched) the best short animated films of the XXI century.

On our portal Kino Mail.Ru you will find all the information about the upcoming Oscars . And if you have your own favorites, you can take part in the competition “Guess the Oscar winners”. The most accurate predictor will be the owner of Full HD Smart TV Samsung.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401321/

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