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Google wants to take away the domain Google ɢoogle.com

Screenshot of the page at ɢ oogle.com

Google decided through court to select from the Russian citizen Vitaly Popov the Google domain.com, which he registered using the Unicode symbol "" and which is very similar to the main domain of the company google.com, reports Motherboard.

The company believes that Popov can use his domain name to mislead users (ɢoogle.com leads to Popov’s own page, and not to the Google search home page). For example, it can redirect users to other sites, while the latter will assume they are navigating to a Google page.

"... The landing page is designed to spread malicious software, Scareware, displays unwanted pop-ups and lures unsuspecting Internet users, forcing them to disclose personal or confidential data," says Google’s statement of claim.
The representative of Google in Russia Svetlana Anurova refused to give comments to RBC on the current situation. “We will not comment here,” she said.

Popov, in turn, in every possible way denies that he is a spammer or a fraudster. “There is not a single fact confirming that I am sending advertising messages that can be identified as spam in accordance with the official position of the United States. Not a single proof! ”, Popov’s words on the Motherboard.

For example, Popov used his domain for spamming Google Analystics users with letters campaigning for Donald Trump. Google considers such actions "undesirable".

At the same time, the owner of the disputed domain reacted very emotionally to Google’s claim and commented on each of its points, arguing that all this is a lie:
Part of the claims commented by Popov by Google

Most of Popov’s arguments are based on the fact that he does not send spam to users in its classic form.

In addition to the controversial ogleoogle.com, Vitaly has another mimicking domain. So, the Russian is the owner of the address lifehacĸer.com, which uses the Cyrillic letter "k".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401255/

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