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Olimex TERES I Modular DIY Laptop

Olimex’s Bulgarian hackers have been working on the open source design of the laptop on the Allwinner A64 processor for over a year - and finally completed this unique project . From February 2017, the company begins to take orders for sets to build a laptop for 225 euros .

The open design allows you to add the necessary modules to your laptop: GPS, GSM or something more exotic, change the design to your taste. The case is included in the package, although it can be printed out on a 3D printer using a published CAD model.

The user manual explains that the laptop is not sold ready-made. Send only assembly kits.

The list of parts (with the name of the part on the item) see below. Details are listed in the order in which they appear in the assembly instructions:

Putting these parts together is a snap - it’s even a pleasant process. The instruction is very clear, so your son or daughter (or you yourself) at the end will be able to say with pride that you have collected a laptop with your own hands!

If everything turned out well, the computer will have the following configuration:

A very nice laptop, they used to be called netbooks. Naturally, it is more logical to install Linux on a free laptop, although you can just Android (on the Linux kernel). Images for recording on a flash card are on Github , like other necessary software of this free laptop. There are also CAD models of boards, buttons and other components , if you want to make them yourself.

If something is broken in the laptop, you can make each piece yourself or buy it separately . for example, in a couple of years, you can change the motherboard with a more powerful processor. Or buy a black and white screen if you work only with text (the eyes get tired of the color screen more than the black and white).

For modern games, such a laptop is hardly suitable, but for normal operation, without fear of hardware bookmarks and software bugs in BIOS firmware, like proprietary manufacturers, is ideal. Maybe this is the model that Edward Snowden has already ordered. Or not, because his beloved Tails on this hardware will not fly .

Note. The Teres I laptop was named after the Thracian king Teres, the legendary first king of the Odrissa kingdom, who united 40 or more Thracian tribes. In the territory of Thrace now is the city of Plovdiv, where the creators of the laptop live. A picture of Teresa's golden death mask is attached to the user manual.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401247/

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