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How to make an installation file for Windows CE / Mobile in Visual Studio 2005

While I was finishing my work on this blog, I had already written so much interesting that my eyes run. Now I want to touch on the topic of creating an installation file.
Perhaps it will seem interesting to many, because it will be necessary to install the program sooner or later. In this post I will try to reveal this topic in the screenshots. And, by the way, this is my first post, I hope it will turn out useful.

In order to start, we need some ready-made project - for the device. I already have the name ButtonTest. Usually in this project I am testing all sorts of code. This code is written in Visual Basic .NET.
Solution Explorer looks like this:

In order to create an installer, you need to add a project to this solution.

In the project selection window, select Other Project Types -> Setup and Deployment and Smart Device CAB Project, I call it ButtonTestCab

The Solution Explorer should now look something like this.

Right-click on the name of the project that appears and select File System

In the Application Folder, you must add the original project of the program.

Right-click Add -> Project Output and select the project name ButtonTest there. A link to the project and the necessary libraries will appear.

In principle, you can build an installer, but we will add links to different Windows CE or Windows Mobile folders, such as Program Files and Start Menu.

To do this, if you open the Program Files Folder on the left, you can add a link to the executing file in this folder.

In the dialog that opens, it’s tedious to choose a project from the Application Folder

Similarly, you can add a link to the Start Menu folder. And in general, it is possible to add folders yourself, for example, we want the program to start when the device starts, for this we will add a link to the Startup folder.

Just like the File System in the Solution Explorer installation project, you can select View -> Registry and add the necessary keys to the registry

Right click on the project name, you can select Properties. Here you can set the folder in which the installer will appear.

After all installations are made, you need to build (Build) an installation project.

At least two files will appear in the folder we selected, in this case ButtonTestCab1.CAB and ButtonTestCab1.inf. CAB file and we need to copy to the installation (AutoInstall) folder of Windows CE or set to manual.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40122/

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