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Content is a weapon of mass surprise.

Hello! My name is Andrei Kunda, and I’m the Community Manager at Plarium, a game development company. I write content for company projects in all 67 official communities in which we communicate with players in 12 languages.

If people are interested in a product, they often subscribe to the social communities of this product in order to keep abreast of relevant information and discuss it. I will tell you how to increase activity in the community. These tips will help you no matter what site you post content from and how many countries your subscribers follow.

How to create interesting content

There are 2 types of effects on community subscribers: point and mass. Community managers can actively communicate with subscribers in the comments, exerting an influence on those who have a dialogue with them. And content is communication with hundreds of thousands of people who see your posts.
Communicating with subscribers, you can influence their opinion and increase loyalty to the product. And vice versa - to transfer their opinion to the creators of the product. Therefore, one of the main goals is to encourage subscribers to visit your community. To do this, publish unique information: the schedule of the nearest events, lamp product stories, stories about the internal kitchen of the product, discounts on your product, etc. Such information meets the needs of your audience and is useful to it. And what will help us in this? Magic insight.

The formula of insight is simple: Driver + Barrier = Solution. Each of your subscribers is driven by some desire - this is a driver. On the way to the desired, there are obstacles - barriers. The subscriber will return to your community if it finds a solution in it that overcomes the barrier and satisfies the driver.

In this paper, I come across subscribers from Germany, Turkey, and even China. It would seem that content for people with such a different mentality should be different. But we tried to post different content and saw that, regardless of nationality, people respond best to the content created according to the scheme of insight: Driver + Barrier = Solution. Of course, people love different music, and their tastes in food can be diametrically opposed. But in the gaming community everyone equally wants to get classified information about future updates. And no one is against winning the competition and getting a reward.

One of the key tasks is to determine which drivers and barriers unite the most diverse community subscribers in order to find a common language with everyone.

How to create interactive content

If there is a large community of interested subscribers, the next difficulty is the peculiarities of social networks and sites where the community is located. All of them operate according to different principles and algorithms for displaying posts in the feed, which can be explored endlessly. But there is a golden rule: if the content is interesting, then the Interactions, Reach and Engagement Rate indicators will increase. This rule applies to all existing sites. By the formula Engagement Rate = Interactions / Reach, it is clear that ER will grow only if Interactions increase more intensively than Reach. How to make the activity of subscribers grow?

The answer is simple - you need to ask them about it. Use call to action in your posts. Post a link to your product with a call. To fulfill the call, you need to click on the link.

Ask subscribers to leave their opinion, offer to like, if they agree with the statement in the post. Write a post so that Like was not just a reaction, but an opportunity to express your opinion with one click. I will give an example. In 2 of our communities 2 very similar posts were published: in one we didn’t leave any appeal, and in the second we were asked to like if the players want to see what was discussed in the post in the game. Was there a difference in the activity of the players under two posts? A post with a call had almost 10 times more likes than a post without a call! That is, every subscriber who likes it, thus said: “Yes, I want this functionality to appear in the game!”. And not just like, showing that the post is not bad.

Let's sum up:

If we take into account these factors, the success rates will increase with any algorithms and device of social sites.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401201/

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