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Wikipedia for "true Americans"

It is no secret that in American society, although it is one of the most diverse, the spirit of Christianity and deeply conservative patriotism, which is traditionally already associated with the Republican party and opposed to the liberal democrats, is very strong. It is also known that the Internet is still a very unusual place, and domination of perhaps even ultra-liberal beliefs and orders, which conservatives feel uncomfortable on any more or less visited serious resource, is characteristic of it. The new stronghold of the "real Americans", an alternative to the left Wikipedia, Conservapedia.com, is intended to correct this state of affairs.

Actually, the imminent, as its creators believe, the need for such a site is well substantiated in an article that vividly shows signs of a liberal bias, anti-Americanism and anti-Christianity in most articles of the great Wikipedia. For the time being, 33 offenses of the online encyclopedia can be counted: from the use of the abbreviations “AD” and “BC” instead of “from R.H.” and “BC” to the existing basis of the texts on unverified rumors and speculation, as well as a huge reservoir of articles about Hollywood celebrities and other things completely useless for education and therefore contrary to the meaning of a scientific source.

In addition, the authors of the project love to quote Jimmy Wales’s words that the English segment of Wikipedia is more liberal-minded than the US society (due to the influence of citizens of other countries, mainly Great Britain, who participate in editing articles). So why, they say, should America depend on the political preferences of foreigners?
Developing the idea of ​​a resource for Americans, administrators wrote down in the rules of the requirement to adhere to the American spelling of words, to avoid the use of obscene words and to focus in general on the family audience. Editing and creating new articles is available only after registration.

The project is actively growing, having already accumulated almost 4,000 texts, and has wide support in the traditionally republican cities of the USA. However, many more than controversial articles, for example, affecting the theory of evolution, cause heated debate in discussions. In addition, there is a high level of vandalism and editors who are familiar to all active authors of such resources of wars with constant revisions and stubbornly upholding their point of view.

Whether canned food has a future - time will tell. But it is already clear that the Internet is gaining strength in opposition to the current device of the Network, dissatisfied with the excessive, in its opinion, freedom and democracy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4012/

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