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The authorities are looking for funds to create the GIS “Internet” according to the Spring package. Opinions of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Economy diverged


The Russian authorities are deciding where to get money for the GIS “Internet” system, the creation of which is provided for by the text of the package of anti-terrorist laws of Yarovaya-Ozerov, Kommersant reports .

The Ministry of Communications proposes to use funds from the universal service reserve, which is filled at the expense of telecom operators. The Ministry of Economics opposes such actions, in parallel pointing out that there is no money for such a system. The ministry also notes that the package of anti-terrorist laws of Yarovaya-Ozerov requires revision and introduction of amendments.

The Ministry of Communications proposes to shift the costs of creating the GIS “Internet” system to the commercial sector through the use of universal service reserve funds. The Ministry of Economics opposed this proposal at a meeting with the Director of the Department for State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Economics Yaroslav Mandron.
The universal service reserve is a special fund in which each telecom operator contributes 1.2% of its revenues from communication services. According to the minutes of the meeting, financing the creation of the GIS “Internet” system is contrary to the goals of this deficient source.

GIS "Internet" is a system for ensuring the integrity, sustainability and safety of the Russian national segment of the network. According to the text of the package of laws of Spring-Ozerov, with its help, the state should gain control over connections, routing and Internet traffic in the national segment of the network.

The Ministry of Economics took the side of business not only in the matter of preserving the fund, but also partly in the question of the effectiveness of the GIS “Internet” system according to the current text of the law. So, at the meeting it was suggested that the Yarovaya-Ozerov package contains “excess duties” on connecting networks to traffic exchange points with the GIS “Internet” system and will create “an additional substantial financial burden on market participants”.

Now telecom operators themselves determine the routing of traffic through the most optimal channels. The GIS “Internet” system, the technical concept of which, by the way, still does not exist, will interfere in this process.

“Mandatory regulation of the routing of all traffic can be a threat to the sustainability of the Russian Internet segment,” Kommersant cites the words of Dmitry Petrov, director of government agencies for MegaFon. One more interlocutor of the publication, representing another major telecom operator, was also critical of the GIS “Internet”. “This creates risks of quality degradation - from an increase in response time to unavailability of service,” he said.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401195/

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