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Gods of war. Something about the artillery games. Part III

Previous Cycle Publications: Part I , Part II

A key feature of the games of this subtype is the presence in the playing field of two or more sources of gravity, specially created in order to instill in the adult independent man a feeling of the deepest awkwardness. When I played the first of the games listed here, I managed to punch myself with a third salvo. But practice is the key to perfection, and I think I could then ignore the stifled grunt of my wife from the next chair with the deepest dignity.

Let's get down to it.

Gravity wars. Crash-boom-bartz!

Developer: Edward Bartz
Release Date: September 1987
Platform: Amiga

In appearance, this game is very simple. Two ships, one of which is poured NCC "Enterprise" seems strangely familiar, hang in deep space. Between them the stationary planets are randomly located. The task seems to be also simple - to knock out the enemy and survive himself. Everything would be so good, but “oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch”.

As for the settings, for the old game they are quite flexible. You can choose the number of planets on the map - from 5 to 15. If you do not like a randomly constructed map, you can move ships, remove planets, add a planet or a black hole using the menu items (you need to specify the location of the center and edge object). For the green foresight, there is a “Practice” mode.

TK Plays video gameplay

The official year of release of the game is 1987, which is confirmed by the creator himself. Despite this, no, no, yes, there is a know-it-all, who asserts that it is not so high , but he, incidentally, was cut in GW back in 1984 on the HP-150. When meeting with such a person, try not to annoy him and in no case argue about reaganomics. When meeting with Ed Bartz, on the contrary, you can feel at ease: if the Australians who called on Friday evening to confess their love didn’t scare him, then nothing could scare him.

Death Star Battles. Alliance nightmare.

Developer: Jan Bolland
Release Date: October 2001
Platforms: Java

This author has created various versions of GW so many times that he can already do it for speed for money. In 1992, while studying at school, he created a version of the game for a graphical calculator. Photocopies of the code went around the school like the flu: all math classes were lost to society, the shizuha mowed down the ranks. He later created an advanced Java version of the Death Star Battles.

Improvements related to the number of players, the number of planets (up to 16 pieces), you can also select objects: from ordinary planets to red giants, white dwarfs, black and white holes, mole holes and supergiants. The gameplay has also changed: in spite of the fact that the angle and power of the shots are controlled by players in turn, they all shoot at the same time. Instead of the right to shoot, you can realize the right to shameful flight, random relocation in hyperspace.

It looks like this

Up to 12 players (people or AI) can take part in the game. For each player, the number of stations under his control is determined, but the total number of stations cannot be more than a dozen. The size of stations is variable and one for all. For AI, the level of combat skills is assigned: the weakest one constantly burns into the milk, the strongest can play as a team and hit every second shot. Kranta here, by the way, come with one blow. There are “Single player” and “Tournament” modes, the last for decisive gentlemen who intend to fight before the sun rises or until the snack is over.

Do not be alarmed if you do not hear the sound. He's not there. Yang, of course, pretends that his hands have not reached, but let's be honest - what sounds in space at all ?!

Java the Hot!

Mammoth Gravity Battles. Impudent trunk!

Developer: Jan Bolland, Mammoth Thoughts.
Release Date: July 2014
Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows 8 Tablets, Windows 8 Phone

So, Death Star Battles came out, earned some fame, brought Yana some never heard of honest rewards about them , but did not bring money. So, it is time to put on a tie and go to work as an IT manager in a London bank.

If ever “Mammoths” are brought into the Video Game Hall of Fame, then Bolland will certainly mention three things in his speech of thanks. Unknown guys from the early Bronze Age, who decided to arrange parking at the site of the current Cambridge. Romans, who transferred the wooden bridge over the Thames in the area of ​​modern London. And the UK Department of Transportation, which provides rail links between these two points.

Because most of the Mammoth Gravity Battles was written and tested on the train, in which Bolland spent two hours daily on the way to work and back.

Compared to DSB in the game a lot has changed.

Firstly, the third dimension appeared and the aiming process became even more difficult . However, the author leaves the possibility of capitulation to return to the usual 2D-view.

Secondly, the aircraft of the ancient mammoths are not some fragile imperial Death Stars: they experience several hits, can be repaired on the move and meaningfully move in space, which adds an additional variable to the outcome of the match.

Third, weapons (16 types!) Will be more serious. It is powerful enough to split a couple of planets, due to some ridiculous whim of nature that have come your way.

Video from the author of the game

Not to mention very nice graphic effects, a nice retro soundtrack and generated maps. And all this for a solo company in 60 missions or hot sieves for 4 players. You can download a free demo version.

By extinction - neglect!

Space Tanks / Tankistadors. On the shushpantsera the galaxy.

Developer: YawThrust Software Labs
Release Dates: 2003, 2006 (reprint)
Platform: PC

I see this game like this.

On the surface of two neighboring lifeless planets, two tanks wearily dust. Probably, once upon a time they were part of two giant armored fists that struck each other somewhere at Alpha Centauri, but all that was left of this was a couple forgotten by everyone except for the accounting department, chief erectors attached to warehouses of mothballed armored vehicles. Conscientious fighters still receive a salary, so from time to time they roll out one or the other tank to air out and strive at the same time to shell the neighbor. Sometimes it's a good day, and you write a winning report, getting a bonus and a promotion. Sometimes a neighbor has more luck. I am sure that in the evenings they are shot by newspaper printouts and canned peaches from rations, but this remains behind the scenes.

So, you have a certain amount of money, you need to buy and equip a tank for them. Tanks differ in characteristics, each of them has vital signs of tracks, cannons, armor and antennas. A good antenna allows you to undermine the shells remotely, and the tracks and fuel supply can move, turning into nothing the results of enemy shooting. The range of weapons is wide, there are shells. rockets and beam weapons, rotten eggs and nuclear bombs. All this costs money, here you are not a poorhouse. After each game, you are additionally charged a small amount of money, the amount of which depends on the current rank. Changing the tank is not free, so if your tank is destroyed and there is no money left, then you have to sit in the guardhouse with bleaching powder .

The game field can be customized by adding more space debris and changing the size of the system. Do not suffer from gigantomania, otherwise, while your projectile is flying, you will have time to call the first settlement on Mars and talk about the future harvest. The shells have a lifetime - a parameter that determines the self-destruction of the projectile, which did not get anywhere. Do not increase it too much, otherwise the game will turn into meditation, because while the shell is alive, the transition is impossible.

Gameplay video

The ability to play on the network is missing, the game is designed for two players in the hot-screen mode or the battle with AI. The computer loves tanks heavier and thicker shells, and when you fill it up, it will be replaced by a new one with a refilled account.
Oh yes, life is pain.

In Russia, the game was published by the company Akella. Seek and find.

Finally, I will list several games of approximately the same direction, which were not included in the review, but may be of interest to dear readers.

Bright, cute and simple Gravitee Wars
Online version with the ability to create a custom game Gravitee Wars Online
If you are a pacifist, but you want to make something worse - Orbitalis satellite launch simulator
For lovers of the good old guns - Bombardiers Guild

As usual, I will be grateful for comments and comments. In the final article of the series, I finally finish indulging in senile memories and tell you about the most vivid, in my opinion, modern games of this genre.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401169/

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