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IBM Watson helps musicians write music

The cognitive system IBM Watson in just a few years has mastered many professions. Now Watson can be considered a doctor, a cook, a financial analyst and even a meteorologist. Yes, Watson is helping NASA, working on streamlining business processes and is going to help drivers with new BMW models. Now IBM developers have helped the system to master another profession, much more creative. It's about music - Watson is now also a musician.

As you know, the cognitive system uses a number of IBM services for speech recognition, analyzing vast amounts of data and teaching new things. In a new project for themselves, IBM developers invited to partnership “star” producer Alex da Kid (Alex Da Kid), who helped to become famous for Eminem, Rihanna, Niki Minaj and other stars of the scene.

The producer and IBM co-authored with IBM Watson, the musician sought to create what was called "cognitive melody." What it is? Now everything is explained.

Musicians and other creative people often seek inspiration. But it, as we know, does not come by request. Sometimes the author can work for days and weeks, and sometimes inspiration and energy leaves a person and you have to wait for a second flash for many days or even years. And in this case IBM Watson can be a muse.

The system is able to detect connections between individual elements of vast amounts of data. In most cases, no one else can identify these links except IBM Watson. As a trial stage, the partners, using various possibilities of the cognitive system, decided to write a new music.

To begin with, Watson conducted a detailed analysis of the five-year “information layer of culture”, fixing the “emotional temperature” of each year. Further, the Watson Alchemy Language service carried out the identification of significant topics, while the Watson Tone Analyzer , the linguistic service, conducted an analysis of social posts and blogs to identify the most significant emotions expressed by the authors of such materials.

In addition, Watson analyzed the words of more than 100 songs from the weekly list of the most popular tunes over the past five years. This was done so that the system could determine the emotional component of each song. All this combined with the Cognitive Color Design Tool, a tool that allowed us to create a visualization of the information received. With it, the musician received the necessary charge of inspiration, which allowed him to release a new song.

Watson BEAT analyzed the structure of popular songs, including rhythm, arrangement, instrumental set. Alex and Kid , who experimented with various sounds to express different emotions, has already entered the business here. In his own words, he used data from Watson as an emotional guide.

As a result, the musician created this melody, which is already posted on YouTube. The composition uses the sound and rhythm of the heartbeat - according to the musician, this is a universal sound that any audience in any country of the world understands.

“Not Easy” is not a synthesized song at all. This is an original work of the author, who was inspired by the results of the work of Watson BEAT. The service helped Alex find many new ways to create musical themes that affect different human emotions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401161/

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