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Americans were on the moon: criticism of the lunar conspiracy


From the epic expeditions "Apollo" separates us already almost half a century. The farther this great epoch goes into the past, the more willing there is to rewrite history.

The Russian public is enthusiastic about the mantra that Apollo flights were filmed in Hollywood. A considerable part of Americans also believed in this, having heard plenty of liars and honest visionaries, to whom the Internet gave previously unimaginable opportunities for self-expression in a public field. In this article, the myth of the lunar conspiracy is subjected to harsh criticism. Based on a film shot several years ago by the famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon. His analysis will reveal not only the illiteracy of the main “revelations”, but also the mechanism of manipulation of consciousness through television and the Internet, which form in society a kind of belief that people were not and could not be on the Moon. Throughout the article, I will quote the Gordon film and comment on it, with the aim of refuting the speculation that he spread.



Let's see whom Gordon used as witnesses for the prosecution, as “people who know and respect” (quote). So the author presents them at the very beginning of the film:

Ralph Rene (Ralph René) - inventor, author of the book "NASA deceived America."
Sam Beddingfield (Samuel Bedingfield) - NASA Manager
Bill Kaysing (William Kaysing) - rocket engineer, author of the book "We have never been on the moon"
Paul Lazarus (Paul Lasarus), director of the film "Capricorn-1"
Georgy Grechko, the well-known cosmonaut
Nikolay Oleynikov, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Ceramics.

Stop! And what have Bedingfield and Grechko? Of the entire list, only they are “people who know and respect” in terms of astronautics. But just these authoritative experts have never expressed their support for lunar mythology. Candidate of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the USSR pilot-cosmonaut Grechko, along with Alexei Leonov, are widely known for their statements that the lunar conspiracy is just nonsense. Grechko speaks about this in the prologue of the film. But in the future, the stories of this remarkable man, taken out of context, are used to "prove" the correctness of Kaysing, the primary source of the myth of the lunar conspiracy.

We will come back to this, but for now let's touch Sam Bedingfield. He is not just a “manager, but a test pilot and aerospace engineer, a veteran of the first space programs. A very reputable NASA man who died in 2012 ( wiki ). His film includes his explanations of the invisibility of stars in the photographs and the absence of craters under the descent vehicles (8:36 - 9:00 and 26:45 - 27:15). Sam never said or wrote any words in favor of the myth of the moon conspiracy. But ... Beddingfield and Grechko confirm the correctness of Kaysing and Rene - this is the impression the viewer of this film will have.

In the meantime, we will continue the analysis of the list of “people who know and respect” presented above. Lazarus will strike out on the grounds that Paul is a film director, not a techie. But what did he say in support of lunar conspiracy? Yes, absolutely nothing! At the time interval of 33:20 - 33:45 Lazarus argues that television can deceive society, so you need to be alert and not blindly believe it. It would be foolish to argue with this, especially after the Gordon film. He also revealed the “terrible secret” that Lazarus was originally going to use the moon in the plot “Capricorn-1”, but he was advised not to do this and transfer the events to Mars. Everything else will draw a wild imagination.

This movie really pours water on the conspiracy mill, because It describes the dramatization of the Martian mission, inspired by the myth of the Moon and containing transparent hints. For adherents of the Kaysing sect "Capricorn-1" is another "testimony of Jehovah," but since when did fiction become the basis for judgments about real facts? This film was made in 1977, i.e., 2 years after the publication of the book “We have never been on the Moon”. There is nothing mysterious in the fact that in pursuit of a new plot with a scandalous background, Lazarus seized on the idea of ​​making a movie on this topic. How does this fact confirm the fantasies of Kaysing and his followers?

Let's reason logically in the framework of the lunar conspiracy. If the satanic, American government killed 11 astronauts who refused to participate in the lunar scam (see below), then why did it allow the American Lazarus to shoot a movie casting a shadow on the triumph of the States 5 years after the last flight to the Moon? Could not calm down one director? Easily could if necessary! And not one, but the whole of Hollywood. But the fact is that the USA has nothing to hide, so no one especially prevented Lazarus from making his movie. He was only asked not to tie the plot to the Moon, so as not to advertise Kaising.

But in the Gordon film there are no such obvious versions. Instead, he pumps up conspiracy paranoia, clinging to any formal reason. I can offer one more “proof” of this kind (I, as the author, please do not refer to). In 1975, a children's film “A Great Space Journey” was released in the USSR, the heroes of which are three teenagers participating in the staging of an interstellar flight. This picture was filmed by Sergei Mikhalkov’s play “The First Three, or the Year 2001 ...”, written in 1970, at the height of the Apollo program. The poet Sergei Mikhalkov, who wrote the words of the anthem of the USSR, was in high circles and undoubtedly knew something about how the United States entered into a lunar deal with the country of the Soviets))


Who else is listed in the list of "people who know and respect"? Nikolay Oleynikov, whom Gordon certifies, as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and a full member of the International Academy of Ceramics. It is worth noting that there are hundreds of different “academies” in the Russian Federation today. As for the Academy of Sciences, Oleinikov is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, not the Russian Academy of Sciences. And these are two big differences. There is no doubt that the doctor of chemical sciences Oleinikov is a great specialist in his field. However, all that he argues in favor of lunar conspiracy, is completely wrong (more on that below).


Who were Rene and Kaysing? Both have already died, in 2008 and 2005, respectively, but the legacy left a noticeable. The World Witness Sect of the Moon Scam, whose creed is based on the speculation of these two adventurers. Gordon called Rene an inventor, they also write about him as a self-taught engineer. For some time, Ralph studied at Rutgers University, and then quit (tired or expelled for academic failure). Thus, Rene did not receive a higher education “knowledgeable and respected”. Had 2 patents to improve some tools ( wiki ). Not too rich scientific and technical biography! Rene was not a techie, in fact, because He was a writer and publicist. Who has found the use of his hidden talents in the field of the lunar scandal, which began with Billy Kaising.

Gordon certifies the latter, as a rocket engineer, who allegedly participated in the creation of Saturn-5. We look at Kaysing’s biography ( wiki ) and see that he did not have a physical, mathematical or technical education, although, unlike Rene, he graduated from university. In 1949, Kaysing received a bachelor of arts and English from the University of Redlands. Thus, contrary to Gordon’s allegations, he was not only not a rocket engineer, but he wasn’t an engineer at all.

Kaising really worked for Rocketdyne, which created the engines for Saturn-5, but this happened between 1956 and 1963, when it was still far from Saturn-5. The first space flight according to the Gemini program - the predecessor of Apollo took place only a year after the dismissal of the future "whistleblower" of the lunar conspiracy. Therefore, it is absolutely clear that Bill Kaising could not find out any terrible secrets of NASA. At that time, when he had a relationship with the space agency, no one at all there yet knew what and when the race to the moon would end. He could not have foreseen the possibilities of the future Saturn-5 rocket, since he was a technical layman. What did this bachelor of arts and language generally do at Rocketdyne? Let's look at the steps of his "space career".

Rocektdyne F-1 Engine from Saturn-5 First Stage

In February 1956, Kaysing was accepted into Rocketdyne as chief technical writer. Obviously, its function included the popularization of space research. In September 1956 he was transferred to the position of service analyst, for which it is difficult to find a Russian equivalent, and in September 1958 a service engineer was appointed. This work could be reduced, for example, to the maintenance of copy machines, but it was definitely not related to the design of rocket engines or other technical developments. From October 1962, Kaysing was transferred to the post of publications analyst, which obviously came down to viewing and selecting articles on rocket technology. Obviously, the humanities Kaysingu sought use in Rocketdyne, but did not find, and in May 1963 he was dismissed "for personal reasons."

Thus, the following can be stated about the author of the book “We have never been on the moon”. Bill Kaysing did not have a direct relationship to the design of space technology in general and the Saturn-5 rocket in particular, and also did not have the education and professional experience that would allow him to deeply understand technical issues. Instead, he had reason to harbor a grudge against NASA for dismissal after 7 years of not very fruitful, apparently, work. As well as the desire to achieve fame. Last Kaysingu managed, although such glory is called gerostratova. Man made a name for himself in denial of great achievements, to which he was not involved in any way.


At the beginning of the film, Gordon mentions a certain mathematician, Jason Cramney, who in 1970 allegedly wrote the pamphlet “Did man land on the moon?” - Did man land on the moon? More about her said nothing. It is not even clear: did she question lunar flights? I did not manage to find references to her and Jason Cramney on the web. And also disassemble on the frame with the cover the English spelling of his name. If such a brochure from 1970, questioning the landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, really existed, it would often be mentioned by Moon-wrestlers.

Further Ralph Rene talks about the flag - a favorite topic of conspiracy theories that it was allegedly fluttering in the wind, and therefore could not be installed on the moon. Say, the Americans did not guess to close the doors in the pavilion, where the scene was filmed with the installation of the flag, so it was dragged by a wind. Another version is a fan, which was set to make the flag look more spectacular. As Zadornov says: “Well, stupid!” This illiterate nonsense has long been disgraced in disgrace, so I can only repeat.

The flag, which the astronauts installed on the moon, was fortified on the L-shaped stand. Otherwise, it is impossible to get a spectacular view - it would hang like a rag (there really is no wind there). Accordingly, as the flagpole oscillated, the flag swung after it. Due to the G-shaped form, the amplitude of oscillations of a vertical building increases several times at the end of a horizontal shoulder. That is why the box dangles back and forth! The weak gravity of the moon, as well as the lack of aerodynamic resistance, contribute to the fact that the oscillations do not decay for a long time. Look carefully at the documentary footage in the interval 05:10 - 05:58 (Gordon's film). It is clearly seen that the flag begins to swing in those moments when the astronaut grabs his hand on the rack. The hand trembles, and the stand increases and transmits vibrations to the flag.

Apollo 17 astronauts set the flag.

Then Gordon voiced delirium about the moonquake, which allegedly denied the version of the wind in the pavilion. None of the experts have ever said that. Why does the author of the film delivers an absurd counter-argument? To present NASA as a gathering of liars and idiots? It is worth noting that the Apollo expeditions led to the conclusion that moonquakes did not occur for a long time. The seismometers, which the astronauts left on the moon, recorded the planet tremors from meteorite strikes and falling probes, but found no traces of seismic activity. The moon is a stalled, completely dead world.

Commenting on the scene with the flag, Gordon is ironic about the fact that the astronaut is “flying towards us” (he is quickly approaching the camera) in order to cover up the developing flag (05:10 - 05:58). However, because of his hand, it is clear that at this moment the flag is almost immobile. Wouldn't it have been easier to reshoot a flag blunder if it really was made in Hollywood? For perfectionist Stanley Kubrick such negligence is not typical))


And then, following Rene, Gordon rants about the fact that the astronaut could not reveal the plastic bag with bloated rubber gloves (episode 6:29 - 6:35). But, first of all, he didn’t open the bag the way we did when we blow into the slot and rub the edges with our fingers in order to overcome the gluing of atmospheric pressure. On the Moon, nothing squeezed the bag outside and, moreover, the “stupid Americans” guessed to provide it with a frame, which was conveniently grasped for opening / closing the bag.

And secondly, where did he get that the astronaut's gloves were made of rubber? Attraction with attempts to squeeze a hand in a rubber glove, which is placed in a chamber with air pumped out of it, is essentially a fraudulent stunt. The experiment is real, but the conclusions from it are fake! Although it is known that astronauts found it difficult to move their fingers on the moon, so after a few hours of work, blood oozed from them.

Georgy Grechko also speaks about the same thing (07:13 - 8:08). The famous cosmonaut explains that it is impossible to breathe air in a spacesuit - you will need a pressure of 1 atm, at which it will become hard as knight’s armor. Even at 0.4 atmospheres, fingers are erased into the blood in a few hours of work. This story is so cleverly inserted into the Gordon film that the viewer should get the impression: “Well, even Georgy Grechko confirms that the astronauts on the Moon could not move their fingers in gloves.” Besides the fact that they were not rubbery at all, the pressure in the A7L lunar spacesuit was 25.5 KPa, that is, approximately 0.25 atmospheric. This is four times less than the pressure in the glove at the Ralph Rene attraction.

Then another “disclosure” is discussed - the stars that are invisible in the lunar images. The reason for this is understandable to anyone who knows the physics of the phenomenon somewhat, Bedingfield explained lucidly (8:36 - 9:00). However, he was given about 20 seconds and zero attention! Instead of a serious discussion of the physical issue, the author clings to Alan Shepard, the first American in space and the commander of Apollo 14, who quotes Gagarin in his book: “What a black, starless sky!” Gordon quotes the true phrase of the first cosmonaut: “What cold, blinking stars! And accuses Shepard of lying. Say, Alan deliberately turned our hero around to mislead the public: “there are no stars in outer space, therefore they are not observed in the pictures taken on the surface of the moon”.

But first, moon snapshots do not need excuses for the absence of stars, since they should not be there (8:36 - 9:00). Secondly, it was necessary to give a link to the book of Shepard to see the exact words and context in which they are spoken. It is obvious that the American space pioneer paid tribute to cosmonaut No. 1, quoting his beautiful, unforgettable phrase. Perhaps Shepard read her inaccurate translation, or, which seems more likely to me, Gordon deliberately distorted his quote.

Then George Grechko innocently talks about star observations from the spacecraft porthole. But Gordon deftly pulls out of context his phrase: “Of course the stars are clearly seen.” This draws the attention of the viewer, who is already so keen on “exposing deception” that he would hardly pay attention to the explanation that by the light in the station the stars are not visible, and when the light is off, it is clearly visible. This is the same optical effect, because of which the stars in the photographs from the moon are not visible. But the viewer, fooled, had already decided for himself that the stars in space were visible during the daytime, all that was needed was to turn off the electric lighting. After all, even Grechko says that the Sun is visible in one window, and the stars in the other. Caught, deceitful Americans!

Or caught the next fraud TV viewers? Indeed, if the Sun shines in one porthole of an orbital station, in the other, facing its shadow side, the stars are clearly visible. This is due to the fact that in space the light is not scattered. Therefore, if the sun shines in your back, then the abyss with the stars stretches before you. But the shooting on the moon were in the bright light scattered on the surface of the planet! Which reached the eyes and lenses, wherever they were sent (if not to the zenith). The self-assured journalist simply lacks knowledge of physics, which did not prevent him from drawing categorical conclusions. Let me say that Gordon also lacks conscience. We turn to the episodes of the film, which cause outrage. Although this lie came up with Billy Kaysing.

Grissom, Chaffee, White - Appolon-1 crew


From 11:40, he talks about the death of a prosecution witness in the case of the deaths of the astronauts Grissom, Chaffee and White, who burned down in the Apollo 1 cockpit during ground tests at the launch complex on January 27, 1967. 2 days after appearing before the Congress commission of Robert Barron found dead in the car along with the whole family. Why exactly they died - Kaysing does not report. Apparently, it was a car accident, but the chronology of events may suggest that Barron did not die accidentally (unless, of course, this story is not invented from beginning to end).

Suppose that a person who could interfere with the Apollo program was eliminated by the special services. The rates in the moon race were extremely high! After the tragedy with Grissom, Chaffee and White, the congress could well suspend the Apollo program, when it was just over a year before the first flight to the Moon. Naturally, the government would do everything possible to prevent this. But even if Baron had a car accident set up, this doesn’t confirm the myth of the lunar conspiracy!

Further Gordon blows up lies about the fact that the crew of Apollo 1 was killed, because they knew about the deception of NASA. Along the way, he does not blink his eye: the launch vehicle Saturn-1B, in which astronauts died tragically, was unable to lift even the “capsule” into orbit (meaning the command module, 14:05 - 14:10). Therefore, they say, in the ground test of Apollo 1 there was no point. It was meaningful or not - it is unlikely that the humanities Keysing and Gordon can competently judge this.

Meanwhile, Saturn-1B was a shortened version of Saturn-5, fully capable of throwing not only the "capsule", but the entire lunar ship into a near-earth orbit. «-» 1975, ( , ) . , -1.

. () ,

« » , -1 - , . . , , 8:1. , , . , .

-1, . , , 1 , — 115 34 , 0.3 . , , .

. ! 1967 8 : «, , , , , , …». , , NASA . , : « … 2 ». — , ! , , . , . : « – , .., ». : « 50 NASA 11 2 ! … , , , !»

, . , 1967 , , « », 1964 1967 . , .

(Theodore Freeman) 1964 , - -38 Talon. — . 3- NASA, ( wiki ). ?

-38 Talon

(Elliot See, Charles Bassett) 1966, , -38 Talon, McDonnell Space Center. -9 ( wiki ). .

(Russel Rogers) 1967 () F-105 «» — . 20.09.1962 , X-20 Dyna-Soar. 10.12.1963, ( ). , NASA , . 4 – .

, , . Jeffrey Williams . Sunita Williams, , . Donald Williams 2016. – . , ? ?

(Michael Adams) . 1967 , , X-15. 81 . 70 , 5 . 20 4 , 15g, ( wiki ). .

-15 (60- )

(Robert Lawrence) — , MOL ( ), . 1967 F-104 «» ( ). , , . , - . , . , NASA – , . – !

(Edward Givens) 5 NASA 1966, 1967 (wiki) . , .. .

, , . , , 11, 10 . 1967 , 1964 1967, 1967 (5 ). (US Air Force) NASA . NASA , , , , . , .

, . , «!» . . ! , 9 , 6 . , , .

, , 1961.
, , 1966.
, , 1966.
, -1, 1967.
, -15 1968.
, , 1970.
, , , -11, 1971.

9 , . « – , .., . , , , !» — , , « ».

25:40 – 26:05 «» . , , . , , (26:45 – 27:15). , , , . NASA: « - , , ?»

— . , . , . . , . 1969 -, ( wiki ). , , , . , , NASA , , - . , - !

, , – . – , . . , . , , . , . , , . , . , , . !

. , -12 «-3″, 2 , , ( ). , -5 -12 2 ! , . -13?

, - (28:20 – 29:40), . , , , / , , , . , - , . , . , , . – . , .

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, (27:24 — 28:05)? - , — . , , . , (-15), « » )) - . , . ? !

. , , ( ) . , (25:40 – 26:05). . , – , .

, ( 28:30). « », . . , , ? - , ( ), , . , «», .

30:25 – 31:30 . : « 2 – 2.5 ». ? , 6 . 20 ( ), 1.2 . !

, ~0.25 . ~35 . 10 . ! , . , – . 60 . . , . , )

From the 34:25 mark, Gordon lays out a “murderous argument” on the table in the form of the murderous, solar radiation. As a teacher for schoolchildren, he talks about the Earth’s radiation belts and that beyond them, an astounding death was waiting for astronauts on the way to the Moon. Well, at least I would take an interest on the Internet, look at the solar radiation estimates)

Let's start with the fact that its most dangerous component is protons with an energy of hundreds of MeV, which the Sun emits during flares. Of ultrafast protons, whose energy can reach hundreds of GeV, are cosmic rays coming from the galaxy. These particles are really very dangerous, because have a biological effect of neutrons and a fairly high penetrating ability (cosmic rays - very high). In solar radiation, there are still electrons and X-ray photons, which almost do not pose a threat to astronauts in the ship and the lunar module, as well as gamma quanta. The latter are dangerous, but their share in the energy spectrum of radiation is small, since on the way from the depths of the star, where thermonuclear reactions occur, gamma rays are scattered to photons of visible light and lower frequencies. Although at solar flares gamma radiation emissions are possible.

Neutron guns, about which Grechko speaks (35:08 - 36:15), meaning solar flares, almost do not pose danger. Here, the famous cosmonaut and distinguished specialist was mistaken (anyone can make a mistake), although the metaphor about guns is beautiful and true. They only shoot not with neutrons, but protons. Neutrons, which originate in the depths of the Sun, are scattered in the process of movement to the surface and are subject to beta decays into protons, electrons and harmless neutrinos. The average lifetime of a free neutron is about 15 minutes, after which beta decay occurs. Fast neutrons (~ 15 MeV), which are released during the thermonuclear reaction of deuterium with tritium, have a speed of slightly more than 50,000 km / sec. Even at this speed, the time to move to the orbit of the Earth will be about an hour. In fact, the neutrons that get to the surface of the Sun from its depth will have much less energy and speed. Accordingly, they have almost no chance of reaching the Earth.

Thus, the neutron radiation of the Sun is extremely insignificant and may not be taken into account. In the pauses between powerful flares, the proton flux is not too dangerous, since their energy (<1 MeV), and hence the penetrating power, is relatively small. The same goes for alpha particles. The walls of the ship and even, although to a lesser extent, the spacesuit are protected from them. Cosmic rays have a large penetrating power, but their intensity is relatively small and does not pose a health hazard during such a flight. According to modern estimates, during the semi-annual voyage to Mars and back, excluding powerful solar flares, the biological dose of radiation will be 66 rem ( more ). A one-time admission will cause radiation sickness in mild or moderate form, but in half a year the health effects will be less serious.

Solar flares for 2 active days enough, they barely reach the level of weak

Thus, if not exposed to powerful solar flares, which are relatively rare, then a flight of 1 week duration, including walks on the Moon, will not cause noticeable harm to health. In the interval 36:15 - 37:07 Nikolay Oleynikov says that a flash can cause an exposure dose of 100 or even 1,000 x-rays, therefore during the years of high solar readiness flights into deep space are undesirable. Gordon instantly blows a bubble out of this and claims that 1% of all outbreaks are class X, and for the total Apollo flight time = 85 days there were 1,485. Therefore, the "revizor storyteller" claims, the astronauts suffered at least 14 outbreaks class X. But, as you know, no one died or even fell ill.

According to Gordon, this is deadly evidence that the Americans did not fly to the moon. From 38:12 to 39:15 Grechko again mistakenly talks about the neutron gun, but in the end, feeling that he was slightly confused, decisively declares: flights to the Moon were not dangerous for health because of short duration. And Oleynikov immediately connects, as if specifying and saying that everything depends on the time of exposure. If its power is equal to 10 roentgens per hour, then a half-lethal dose will be received in 20 hours. As required by the author of the film! The fact that astronauts receive semi-lethal doses of radiation per day of flight is considered to be reliably established.

Let's start with 100 or 1,000 x-rays from class X flares, leaving the illiterate phrase “1,000 x-rays per hour per kilogram” without comment. In the case of x-ray or gamma radiation, this corresponds to biological doses of 100 or 1,000 rem. The first is moderate radiation sickness, the second is quick death. Where did they get that this level of radiation will take place all the time? Yes, they made it out of nowhere by joint efforts. Further, from which outbreaks does Gordon consider 1% of class X? Obviously not from everyone, because, for example, from January 1 to January 26 of this year there was not a single outbreak of X and even M. In fact, powerful flashes occur quite rarely - on average once every few months. In this case, the Apollos took off not at random, and the start time was planned, based on the forecast of solar activity. Such a forecast is not 100% reliable, but not a single lunar crew fell under X. For all the Apollo flights to the Moon, there were only three such flashes: August 2, 4 and 7, 1972.

Other “revelations” from the “revision fairy tale” were not reflected in this article, but I think the presented one is enough to assess the level of argumentation of the Gordon film, as well as the entire lunar conspiracy.


It is worth comparing the cadres of lunar expeditions with the way Stanley Kubrick shot people on the Moon in the movie masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey", which was released in 1968 - the year of the first flying of the Moon by Apollo-8. This will be enough to understand - what a stupid myth that the Apollo expeditions were shot by Kubrick in Hollywood!

But suppose he shot, managing to recreate lunar physics without any computer graphics (the end of the 60s!). It is strange that in "Space Odyssey" such special effects do not even smell. Apparently this is another American trick to completely confuse the traces))

Fragment with people on the Moon from the film "Space Odyssey 2001"

But how did they manage to mislead the USSR, who jealously watched the opponent? In the USSR, all television broadcasts from the moon and during all flights were recorded and analyzed in detail! And it was precisely known from where the transmissions were coming from the moon. This is simply set by the maximum energy flow through the receiving antenna in the direction of its axis to the transmitter.

It is impossible to simulate this without landing on the moon using satellites of the Earth. This is easy to verify, given that changing the direction of the receiving antenna to a fixed point of the moon is caused almost exclusively by the daily rotation of the Earth. The moon at the same time can be considered fixed, because it makes one revolution around the earth in ~ 27 days. There is no such orbit for a satellite of the Earth, even above the geostationary (~ 36 000 km), so that it is within a few hours on the line connecting the fixed point of the Earth (location of the receiving antenna) with a fixed point on the Moon (location of the transmitter).

In fact, let thousand km - the distance from the Earth to the Moon, km - the radius of the Earth, - the distance from the Earth’s surface to the satellite, which simulates the transmission of a signal from the Moon during the time of hours and - do / span of a circular orbit in km This time will describe the satellite. Provided that he is constantly on the line connecting the antenna of the transmitter on the moon and the receiver on earth, it is easy to obtain the following equations.

from the similarity of triangles with a common vertex on the moon:

$ \ frac {\ pi \ Delta t \ cdot R} {12s} = \ frac {l} {l-r} $

From the law of the world:

$ v = \ frac {s} {\ Delta t} = R \ sqrt {\ frac {g} {R + r}} $

From these equations it follows that:

$ \ pi (l-r) = 12l \ sqrt {\ frac {g} {R + r}} $

However, it is easy to verify that the last equation has no solution for $ r \ leq l $

Thus, it is impossible to stage the signals from the moon using satellites of the Earth. If clever Americans had organized a staging, planting automatic vehicles on the Moon that were transmitting from the surface of the planet, then it would also have to send stations that would transmit during the entire flight, and then return to Earth. But the main thing - all this would have to be done 9 times according to the number of Apollo missions (8,10,11,12,13,14,14,16,17). Yes, and play a comedy with the accident of Apollo 13. Such a 9-fold staging would be more difficult than real flights to the moon, given the risk of exposure. As the USSR cosmonaut, Doctor of Technical Sciences Feoktistov, said in his time: “Too complicated and too funny!”

Moreover, the USA is not so actively and successfully engaged in analog automation as the USSR and relied on manual control + digital computers. For example, Gemini entered the atmosphere on manual control and had developed means of maneuvering, while Vostoki and Voskhod returned only to automatics and were almost incapable of maneuvering. In this regard, it is worth noting that the Apollo 11 on-board computer weighed 30 kg and had a memory capacity of 74 Kbytes, of which 4K was operational. The indicator, ridiculous by today's standards, was a record for that time. At the same time, the bulk of the computation of flight parameters, including for the lunar module, was carried out by a large computer on Earth, which transmitted commands to the onboard one. In combination with manual control, to automatism worked on simulators, this scheme ensured a successful landing on the moon.

Once again I draw attention to the fact that the incredibly difficult technical and organizational staging of one flight would have to be repeated 9 times! Why so risk substitute? To make it clearer: if the probability of successfully performing one flight is 90%, then with 9 scams the probability of not being exposed drops below 40%.

If you think Americans are cunning, who for 50 years have led the whole world by the nose, then do not consider them to be morons at least. If they had decided on a staging, they would not risk repeating many times so as not to tempt fate. What was the need to simulate 9 lunar missions? To overtake the USSR 9 times in the race to the moon?

Meanwhile, the reason for the 9 lunar missions, although more was planned, is very simple. The US spent so much money to get to the moon that they did not want to limit themselves to two demonstrative flights (say, Apollo 8 and 11). It was a serious research program, as well as a testing ground for technology development. By the way, the first microprocessor on a single chip, the Intel 4004, was born on the Moon.

But lunobortsy go even further! They accuse the entire leadership of the USSR, the entire scientific and engineering community, which had to do with the cosmonautics, all the cosmonauts of the USSR and the Russian Federation for being bought by the Americans. Not to mention the moral baseness of such a conspiracy, even if in the Soviet Union they were able to shut up their mouths on this topic, then in today's Russia nothing would have prevented many from breaking up. At least before death! But everyone is silent, as partisans are being interrogated. They simply have nothing to say from the fact that the adherents of the Witnesses sect of the Moon Scam would like to hear.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401135/

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