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7 desktop digital production tools breaking into 2017

Production today is IT 20 years ago in terms of opportunities and development prospects. CNC router today - ZX Spectrum 30 years ago. IT companies are rapidly transforming into digital manufacturing companies - and vice versa.


August 3, 2016 Facebook has opened its digital plant, acquiring and installing multi-purpose lathe and vertical milling processing complexes, water-jet cutting machines, an electron microscope, a computer tomograph, high-precision measuring instruments. Zuckerberg: “Over the next ten years, we will create everything - from Oculus to solar-powered aircraft. Thanks to digital production, the length of development cycles for (material) products will be reduced from a few weeks to days. ” Computers are complemented by compact CNC machines, offices - digital compact production. A huge market, huge business opportunities are waiting for technology entrepreneurs of the new wave, who will grow mass-market platforms from personal digital production.
Earlier this year, Make Magazine released a guide to compact digital production. The most "first world" interesting:

1. ZMORPH 2.0 SX, a multifunctional processing complex. Features: 3D printing, router, laser engraving and cutting, 3D printing with thick materials. A dozen replaceable heads, among them extruders for plastic, mill, laser, extruder for cookies and chocolates. Start of development: 2012, founder: Przemek Jaworski. Price from $ 2K.

2. FarmBot - the world's first open source compact farm with numerical control. Managed through the phone bed. Capabilities: planting seeds, watering, remote growth monitoring, soil condition sensor, automatic weed control. It is controlled using a web based graphical, simple, almost gaming, interface. Brains - Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino Mega 2560, RAMPS Shield. All documentation, including the digital model, is available at farmbot-genesis.readme.io/docs Development started: 2013. Market entry : June 2016. Price $ 2K. Preorders in 2016 for 1 mln USD. Funders: Rory Aronson and Rick Carlino, ready to partner for the development of the project.

3. Wazer - the world's first digital hydroabrasive bench machine. Features: cuts all. The price is $ 3.6K. Collected on a kickstar $ 1,331,936 Funders: Nisan Lerea and Matt Nowicki. Started in 2012. After five prototypes, almost all of 2016 accelerated the project in HAX , Shenzhen ’s largest hardware accelerator. First shipment in September 2017.

4. Shaper Origin - the world's first handheld tool with a digital interface with integrated augmented reality. Automatically corrects the manual course of the cutter, at the start it is oriented on the surface through scanning tape markers. Opportunities: thanks to the library of drawings, it will provide you with a fascinating work, your customers furniture. Funders: Alec Rivers and Ilan Moyer, in a start-up team of 9 people. The founders have been developing the project since 2011. Price $ 1.5K, first shipment in September 2017.

5. Potterbot - 3D printer that prints wet clay. Price $ 7.8K. Features: produces dishes and vases of wondrous beauty.

6. Axidraw is a digital calligrapher for $ 475. Opportunities: sign postcards and certificates very nicely. Windell Oskay and Lenore Edman funders, they say, the Diode cat helped them a lot in their Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.

7. Pocket NC - the world's first five-axis desktop CNC machine. Opportunities: from a bar of metal will make a part of any complexity. Matt and Michelle Hertel, started in 2010. Price $ 4K, shipments worldwide.

All seven cars are essentially platforms for unlimited growth on their basis of appstores, stores of models and drawings, interchangeable heads and addons, tools and materials, copycats and clones. Future totems of mass demand - when new Jobs grow in their teams.

The question is: are there those who are somehow involved in digital production? Founders of companies with products or prototypes - means of digital production? Example: team TsMIT Russian engineer - designed and manufactured SLS 3D printer RED ROCK .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401091/

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