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How to work in coworking. Freelancer novice guide

So decided. You leave the office for free bread and become a freelancer. Imagination draws rainbow pictures: here you wake up early in the morning, slowly make coffee, cook a light breakfast and get to work. Nothing and no one distracts. Negotiations with customers and colleagues via e-mail or instant messengers. No sudden deadlines, worn commanders. After lunch, walk and go back to work. In the evening, time for family and friends.

And now we will tell you what will happen in reality. Together with you, the family wakes up in the morning, and in her absence, neighbors from above or builders from the next apartment. It starts up noise, din and any other distractions from work. Morning coffee cools while you help feed and dress the baby. The afternoon walk is covered with a copper basin because you are distracted all the time. And evenings become from "family" especially "workers".

You have two ways to solve this problem:
  1. To organize work at home so that nothing can distract you. Arrangement of personal account, sound-absorbing headphones, education of relatives and neighbors.

    - Is it possible?
    - Of course
    - It's complicated?
    - Incredible.

  2. Find a workplace outside the home. The first freelancers huddled in coffee shops, rented offices in business centers, but now it is much more convenient to use the services of coworking. Now they open in all major cities.

Coworking is a space created just to make you comfortable working in them. This is not an office, the main purpose of which is to provide you with a workplace. The creators of such spaces seek to make their sites as convenient as possible for a person who is engaged in his own business. For singles there are tables and armchairs, for teams rooms with boards and everything you need. For presentations and training, you can take a meeting or conference room. In our experience, productivity in coworking is one and a half to two times higher than in a home or even an office.

War is war and dinner is on schedule. In offices, everyone often eats at workplaces or raids nearby cafes. This is awkward and wasting your time. Almost any co-working includes excellent cuisine, where you can warm up or even cook food, as well as treat yourself to free tea, coffee and cookies.

For lovers of complete immersion in work with short-term outages to sleep in co-working suits, capsule hotels are suitable. What is this explanation is not necessary, you just have to look at the photo.

In general, you can even live in coworkings. Many beginning freelancers treat their new place of work in such a way, thereby risking running into negatives from colleagues. In co-working there are certain rules, to follow which is highly desirable:

1. Keep silence

Your very important call, which can drastically change your life and bring a huge income, is absolutely not important to those around you. This is not an office, where colleagues, with bated breath, will listen to your negotiations. And the people in the headphones around you probably don’t listen to Heavy Metal at maximum volume.

So, if you have an important conversation, then go out somewhere or take a negotiation room. Respect your colleagues and they will respect you.

2. Do not occupy the conversation longer than planned.

If you need a meeting room and you understand that the meeting or Skype has gone beyond the originally scheduled time, then try to transfer the conversation. Almost certainly, other people who have already arranged to meet with a client have already been following you.

3. Cleanliness is key

In a co-working room like in a hostel, it is necessary to clean up after yourself everywhere and always. It is unacceptable to leave some rubbish for later. We talked with the client, got his coffee drunk, signed the contract, carried out ... Then go back and clean up after yourself. Had lunch - wash the dishes. And in any case, do not store dirty lunchboxes in packages.

4. Watch your appearance

Of course, no one requires you to wear a suit, but beach shorts and slippers should also be abandoned. Coworkers are democratic, but still you should not try the patience of colleagues.

5. Communicate, but do not distract

One of the main advantages of coworking for freelancers is the ability to communicate with colleagues. Show them your achievements, receive objective criticism, learn new things, improve. But at the same time it is worth remembering that the person to whom you want to apply at the moment may be busy with his own project. Quite often, an indicator that a colleague should not be distracted now is wearing headphones.

The ideal coworking, as well as the rules of behavior in them, the market did not come immediately. The first spaces were opened in former factories or on the model of classic office space Open Space. As a result, something was always lacking. Few places, few negotiation, problems with shops, restaurants. In the end, it was difficult to get to some coworkings, and finding a parking place in Moscow was not a trivial task.

Coworking 14: we ate more than one dog

“ Coworking 14 ” is a combination of our own experience and that of colleagues. We studied coworking projects all over Russia and implemented everything that a freelancer or a small team might need. Our space is currently the largest in Moscow, the whole 14th floor of the AeroCity business center, which can accommodate 300 people. The location is very good, since not all of our customers and their guests can easily get to the center of Moscow, where other coworkings are located. There are no problems with parking and traffic jams.

"Coworking 14" is not only tables and chairs in a huge room. We managed to realize all kinds of spaces for work and leisure: open space, mini-offices, meeting rooms, a conference room, a slipbox and showers. We took into account that very often our customers do not have time to go to the grocery store, and therefore there is a mini-market on the co-working area.

Of course, the main area of ​​coworking is designed for freelancers sitting in a common space. But we took into account that very often they gather in teams by referral or simply by acquaintance. For their convenience, we have made “island zoning” using rounded podiums. And they are located not in the depth of the building, but near the large windows.

We also took into account that many freelancers tend to play sports, but often do not have time for this. Therefore, we have a zone with simulators. Any of our clients can use them. Agree, it is not only convenient, but also economical. No need to pay for a subscription to the gym, the cost of which is equivalent to our standard offer.

In addition, all partners of coworking, our partner, hosting provider RUVDS , offers great discounts on modern cloud infrastructure. Given that freelancers are now very often engaged in by developers, such opportunities will be very useful for the development of their start-ups.

At the same time let's say about the cost of our services. Three S / M / L basic tariffs (600 rubles per day and from 12 to 15 thousand rubles per month) are now formed, which give our residents the opportunity to use all the necessary services for the successful organization of their business. Such prices are much more profitable than renting offices in business centers.

From our customers, we always expect not only compliance with the rules of behavior in coworking, but also feedback. What should be removed, what to change, what to add? From the readers, we also want to hear advice and objective criticism. We promise that we will listen to everything and make our Coworking 14 perfect for work.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401073/

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