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Human Behavior Biology: Lecture # 4. Molecular genetics, I [Robert Sapolski, 2010. Stanford]

We continue to publish lectures at Stanford University.
We present you the fourth lecture of the 2010 course “Biology of Human Behavior” by Professor Robert Sapolsky.
This is the first part of the section on the relationship between behavioral biology and molecular genetics. It describes the relationship of protein synthesis and point mutations with microevolutionary changes, and discusses conflicting theories of gradualism and intermittent equilibrium, as well as the phenomenon of epigenetics. Lecture under the cut in the list of already translated lectures.
There are 25 lectures in total, gradually we will translate everything.

List of translated lectures:
Lecture 1 : Introductory lecture on the main directions of the course and why it is dangerous to think in categories.
Lecture 2 : Evolution of behavior, I. In this lecture, the professor explains the evolution of behavior, using illustrative examples, including the well-known “prisoner's dilemma”.
Lecture 3 : Evolution of behavior, II. Continuation of the explanation of the evolution of behavior.
Lecture 4 : Molecular genetics, I. It describes the connection of protein synthesis and point mutations with microevolutionary changes, and discusses the theories of gradualism and intermittent equilibrium with each other, as well as the phenomenon of epigenetics.

This course comes thanks to our subscribers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401047/

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