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How are children [18+]

Everyone is trying to get into the future in his own way: people send messages in a bottle, freeze bodies, write books, plant trees and build houses ... But the easiest way to convey a "piece of yourself" through time is to create a child using sexual reproduction methods (later also educate in the spirit of traditional values ​​and make sure that grandchildren appear and the family tree continues to bear fruit). What exactly a person conveys to his descendant and how this happens is in the new Genotek material.


The joys of sexual reproduction

There are still debates among evolutionary biologists about how evolution came to sexual reproduction, why it might be beneficial for living beings, and how those who have no sexual reproduction live. Our goal today is not to get involved in controversies, but to find out, “what’s up with the people”. From an anthropocentric point of view, sexual reproduction is like a contract with the devil. There are representatives of the animal world who were wiser (or, on the contrary, not advanced enough). For example, amoeba: she did not sign a contract with the devil and does not know the joys of sexual reproduction and family planning. In exchange for this, the amoeba gains immortality. After all, each of the cells obtained by dividing the original amoeba is its exact genetic copy.

Fungal Gender Studies

If we are talking about sexual reproduction, at least two different sexes are required. A person is a convenient example for discussion, and mushrooms are inconvenient, because mushrooms can have up to 36,000 floors . Truly freedom of self-determination!

Phase of the movement of chromosomes on the Chinese calendar

The embryo has no sexual characteristics until 4-5 weeks of fetal development. The gonad of such a creature is a bag in which the precursors of germ cells are populated. Only then one of the selected development programs is launched. Omit the details of the choice of sex and pathologies associated with this process. It is important that the choice in this case does not take place at the will of the parent, and certainly not according to the “calendar” or the conception table - this is a molecular-genetic process. The most important thing for understanding sexual reproduction in general: the full set of chromosomes of a healthy person includes 23 pairs.

Dance for 23 couples

A chromosome is not an abstract concept, but one large folded DNA molecule held by proteins. In this case, the chromosomes of each pair, despite the fact that they contain information about the same, can carry different variants of genes (alleles). Human germ cells contain only 23 chromosomes (and the egg cell also contains mitochondrial DNA, an important small molecule!). This does not mean that gametes (germ cells) are cells of the body chopped in half. Their formation is preceded by an elegant, dance-like cell division, during which the chromosomes of each pair exchange fragments with each other and disperse into different cells. This dance is called meiosis. In fact, any DNA test is an analysis of the talents of your chromosomes. Then the gametes will meet and get a completely new person, surprisingly similar to the individual features of the parents. But we are interested in what is happening the day before.

Ladies first

Ovum formation in women occurs during fetal development. This process is called “o (c) ogenez” (literally, the formation of an egg). It can be divided into three stages: reproduction, growth, maturation. After the sex of the embryo is defined as female, the sac with the precursors of germ cells becomes the ovary. Progenitor cells begin to actively divide like most cells in our body. So far, they are all the same, and you just need to make as many cells as possible. A woman can increase the number of future eggs only in the course of embryonic development. Next, the cells move to the next stage - growth. During growth, both the nucleus and the cell itself increase substantially in size, accumulating stocks of various molecules that will be needed when fertilization does occur. The final stage of development of the egg cell, meiosis, begins in the embryo. Then there is a pause, and the final maturation of the egg occurs in women once a month from puberty to menopause.

The xx

The division during the maturation of the egg has the same basic principle that was indicated above: there is a "dance of chromosomes". Eggs have two features. The first is that after division, not all cells will become eggs and some of them will be used as an auxiliary resource of eggs. The second interesting property: the final maturation of the egg ends only after fertilization. For the most part, cell biology is of interest to cell biologists. For ordinary mortals, it is important to answer questions in the spirit of “How attachment to a“ Jaguar ”in 9th grade / work in chemical production / 5-year smoking experience (underline the right) could affect my eggs?” Smoking, alcoholism and stressful situations lead to oxidative stress in the body. In other words, “toxic situations” and bad habits stimulate the production of reactive oxygen species in the body. The negative impact of oxidative stress on the reproductive function of women is proved through the study of the ovaries, the cycle, the development of the follicle, and the analysis of cases of unborn pregnancy. You need to take care of yourself and your eggs from reactive oxygen species. Just because there are no others inside you.

Men's health

With men, it's a little different. Throughout their lives, they have a pool of stem cells in their testes, which can give rise to seminal fluid cells. From puberty, cells are ready for division. It is necessary to divide the puzzle of a person’s genetic material into two halves (counting the number of ways in which this can be done is a separate mathematical task). After the cells have shared, each of them gets a haploid set of chromosomes. You need to collect the sperm - a compact cell with a flagellum. In addition to the well-known function of delivering genetic material, the sperm must also activate the egg, which “has stalled.”

Sharing is good, but not always

Sperm formation occurs continuously, the full cycle of stock regeneration is up to 3 months. The formation of gametes (germ cells) of a man is different from the formation of gametes of a woman. Firstly, it is more massive, and secondly - in addition to those cells that become spermatozoa, stem progenitor cells always remain. Despite the fact that future spermatozoa and eggs are protected from the external environment, cell division is always a big risk. It is proved that during the formation of spermatozoa, the frequency of mutations during division decreases in young mice and increases sharply in old mice. In addition, the risk of a mutation in the gamete is higher in men, and not in women. Cells with mutations, of course, less tenacious. Most of them simply do not crawl to the egg.

Human genetic collage

The amazing thing is that a person is a random set of genes, randomly collected from other people who lived at different times. In this case, our body is working properly. Among the genes, however, you can find quite a lot of garbage. There are genes that still do not interfere with anyone living. They exist in the body in two versions: in the "broken" and "normal." Thanks to the work of "normal" damage is not noticeable, and a person may not know that he is the carrier of the "cystic fibrosis gene" or "phenylketonuria gene". This is by no means a special gene with a disease - it is a variant of a gene (allele) that encodes a non-functional protein. Paradoxical irony: people who are ideally compatible with each other in soul, body, and life may also have similar mutations in one of the copies of the gene! However, they themselves, not knowing their special status, are carriers of a very unpleasant disease. The probability of having a sick child in such a pair is 25%. Because of two broken copies of the same gene, inherited from mom and dad, the life of such a child (and his parents) will be many times more complicated.


Processes related to family planning require, above all, awareness. Responsibility for one's own genetic material - a grain in a sea of ​​endless questions, the answers to which should not be sought in the forums for pregnant women. At the same time, the creation of a new human life is not only tests, folic acid, a big belly and “look, he pushes his foot”. This serious process is triggered by two people, and both of them should understand what they are doing.

If you are planning children and this text has raised questions for you, we recommend contacting us directly .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/401027/

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